More Pavilions at Folk Fest

New York Times- One of the World’s Most Immigrant-Friendly Countries Is Changing Course

Gurpartap Singh Toor, a local councilor for Brampton and the broader region of Peel, arrived in Canada in 2011 as a migrant. He said the large numbers of newcomers had stretched resources. The health infrastructure in Brampton — one hospital and a smaller medical center — is insufficient for the population of around 700,000, Mr. Toor said. Housing availability and costs, he said, have been worsening, partly because unscrupulous landlords rent out small properties to multiple students, charging them hundreds of dollars each and pricing out local families.

32 Replies to “More Pavilions at Folk Fest”

  1. All of the problems mentioned in the paragraph are a result of zoning laws, “universal” healthcare, and other idiotic government meddling that is immigration is being scapegoated for.

    Truth is, Canada’s openness to immigration has been a massive triumph is both the only thing holding this place above water and the most powerful means of altering Canada’s dire culture(s) and political dynamics. MOAR

    1. Yes, mass immigration from 3rd world crapholes has so benefited Canada in the following: ethnic ghettoes, massive deficits and debt, overburdened social services and infrastructure, astronomical house prices, excessive taxation, Islamic appeasement, anti-semitism, etc.

      1. As I said, these problems either 1) aren’t problems or 2) are just being scapegoated onto immigrants. Mass immigration is the solution to the political dynamics at the root of these and other problems.

      2. You also missed increased crime, violent or otherwise.

        Plus a question: does Canada have no-go zones as many Euro cities do?

    2. Per capita GDP in Canada has been hovering around the same number since about 2005. Why haven’t all of the migrants boosted that number?

    3. You see, Un Yun, when you double the number of temporary residents in less than two years, it has no effect whatsoever on housing or healthcare, the latter is free by statist fiat to everyone at all times, or you’re an idiot.

  2. That opening story about the Uber driving who can’t give people rides they need is awful and just goes to show how evil opposition to mass immigration is. Pure destruction.

        1. Ah, you have two options. A cartel, or a criminal cartel of rapist tax drivers who charge on face value.

          I liked the non rapists. Now I have to have a safe taxi # stored in phone.

    1. You didn’t bother to read the whole article, are intellectually lazy, or functionally illiterate. My bet is on all three.

  3. Why are you people talking to the troll?

    Starve the troll. That’s how it works.

    BTW, anybody been to Bramptoon lately? It’s quite a sight these days.

      1. What, turning a 100% white city into India?? Why is this a “triumph”?

        One of Canada’s car theft capitals, so there’s that.

        1. Well it seems to piss off people like you so that’s a plus. Also takes away any hope for any kind of aspirational ‘white nationalism’. No victory like crushing victory.

    1. Clown can troll all he wants. The fact is the public conversation has shifted massively the last 10 years. People now know it’s isn’t needed, wanted or necessary – that is not going to change. Mainstream media lost this battle and most people today have nothing but disdain for them. What did you think would happen when you label everyone a racist based on simple observations?

      1. “People” are wrong, and thankfully don’t have total control of the country. The Elites do, and they should, and they need to be improved. Mass immigration improves the recipient country’s Elite Human Capital.

    2. Brampton is the future of Canada and must be. If you have a problem with that, too bad. The issue is with you and you’ll just have to adjust your attitude.

  4. Here in the Silicon Valley where tech firms hire H1b drones who will work 18 hour days without complaint … we have a crucial housing shortage and spiking prices/rents. The solution? Cut new exterior doors into every bedroom in a single family home … making each bedroom into it’s own apartment … and convert garages into two-bedrooms. Then pack it all full with 10 unrelated renters paying at least $2,500/mo. for their shared bedroom and common space. And yes … they park on the lawns

    Hey! It’s better than their living accommodations in Quang-Chong

    Oh! But that violates each and every part of the single-family zoning code? No problem … we have a gayyyyyyyy State Sen. … Weiner … who just summarily ELIMINATED all single-family zoning as … “racist” … or something.

  5. You know, when you think about it, it really is remarkable that the Liberals have been able to make immigration unpopular. In a country which has long been accustomed to growth driven by industrial expansion that depends on importing new people, to make the process toxic requires some ingenuity. It’s like drowning a fish.

  6. Having worked for an Indo-Canadian Computer Engineer some years ago, he complained about all the “Foreign Temporary Workers” that his former long-time employer IBM would bring into Canada to replace Canadians, from his parents homeland, on the excuse that there were no “qualified” Canadians to do the jobs.

    He said the problem were the company accountants who would do anything to cut costs, even if it meant unreliable software.

    He kept on being taken off of his projects to fix all the software bugs the foreign programmers wrote, because most were poor programmers; they were just cheap which was all that IBM cared about.

  7. If you like mass immigration, you should move to India, China, or Indonesia.

    This will let you enjoy the benefit of mass immigration at much lower cost.

  8. As Jakov Smirnoff quipped, when he got his US citizenship, “I don’t like these immigrants. They’re taking our jobs.”

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