28 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Re CTV, there was some brief reporting last night about some ‘sacking in absentia’: Lieberals discussing about booting out Blackie while he’s oh so busy in Asia. Just dangling the carrot in mho, CTV are constantly bigger liars than CBC.
    I guess we will get rid of Prime Moron only if China gets pissed and they can’t take it anymore.

    1. Don’t forget GlowBull, they are every bit as bad and deceitful as any. Just look at the Injun story here. Same old same old.
      None of the media ever state that these old graveyards used to have WOODEN CROSSES marking each site, but have decayed and disappeared over decades.
      It ruins their epic narrative.

  2. I’m pretty sure the two CTV doctors are now employed at either Globull or the Ceeb.

    If they haven’t by now, the Jewish community needs to up their surveillance game. Camera systems are very good these days. Add some inconspicuous volunteers to watch as well. And then, if possible, by-pass the useless authorities and take the fckers out.
    Fatty Fat Ford, Dog Chow of Hogtown and PM Turdworld all open their pieholes, but we know that’s all they’re going to do.
    At best, Ford is the only one who is speaking with any sincerity.

  3. John Lyons
    “BEIRUT: Israel has bombed one of main water channels from Litani River. Thousands hectares now without irrigation. Will cause huge food shortages. On top of heavy shelling & “widespread” (HRW) use of chemical weapons by Israel (white phosphorus) on sth Lebanon this is devastating”


    1. If this occurred, water will fill the hole and the river will resume flowing, if it hasn’t already.

      If a bomb breached the river bank, get a bulldozer and repair the breach. Alternatively, a get a whole bunch of muzzies with shovels and fix it. I hear muzzies are good at digging.

        1. Maybe that’s why the Turd is bringing them here? Another case of third world immigrants doing a job complacent Canucks won’t do?

  4. “Unmarked Graves Show continues.”

    Actually, there is zero evidence of anything.
    It is a well supported and complete guess.

    Evidence is evidence when there is evidence.
    So far there is none.

      1. Grievance pimping, it’s more than a hobby, it’s a livelihood. Any outrageous claim is eaten up by their useful idiots and showered with taxpayer money as long as the grifters control and ensure an unproven outcome. Apartheid has strengthened and inverted so much that Indian “governance” is “compensated” by non responsible taxpayers for allegations alone. Indian governance is bad but non Indian governance is worse for enabling them.

    1. 55 possible incidents over 90 years. That’s only one alleged incident every second year. Way less than incidents on the res. Goebbels Network is very good at spin making 55 seem like a crap-load.

    2. They say they plan to dig.

      I’ll believe that when they actually do.

      It could be years, after all, “It says investigators will finalize ground-penetrating radar surveys this year and hold meetings on potential excavation, exhumation, repatriation, DNA testing, and genealogical mapping before any decision on digging up possible graves is made.”

      That’s a lot of ground to cover in those meetings. It could take decades, and will definitely need a lot of funding. Just saying…

    1. Yes, if you listen carefully, they’ve only been removed from CTV News,,, I’m sure they are still working at ctv, just in another department.
      That would be great, to bring the two “doctors” up in front of the committee, and have them testify under oath.
      Let’s see if those two, had instructions from management higher up in ctv.

  5. A reality check about CTV. I do not watch/listen/read any Canadian media except, In the morning I look at CHEK TV’s Web page and have noted that during the BC election cycle there has not been one bad press of the NDP and not one good press of the Conservatives. Further to this to show that the left always complains about what the right is doing when in fact it is what they are doing. Example the defacing of signs. CTV ran a story of A dipper holding a defaced dipper sign and yet the only signs I have seen are defaced conservative signs. Now the dippers are up to bomb threats?????? I think they are getting desperate.

    1. Chek, like all other media are playing to their masters and to their local audience.
      In Cheks case, let’s face it, Victoria is full of Greentards and Commies where MUH GUBMINT is the mindset of the NPCs here. Best to ignore the nitpicking of the media, where they have aligned with the commies and decided not to talk about issues, but to instead talk about “mean posts” and “he said this 10 years ago” irrelevant garbage.
      Watching this election is like watching a student council election, it’s been drawn down to the silliest statements. The Commies have nothing to run on so its dirty tricks and mean tweets.

  6. Why isn’t the “Ethics Committee” summoning the 2 “former CTV” employees in question, to give them the chance to explain themselves?

    They spliced the audio together and changed its meaning.

  7. CTV and Global are leftist clones of the CBC and have not evolved beyond the era when they were the only game in town. Their “news coverage” and commentary is unwatchable. I can’t wait to see their coerced tax payer subsidies extinguished.

  8. re Winnie’s ‘never never never give in’.

    Britain falls, there’s nowhere for the American army to set up house prior to Normandy.
    thus Hitler wins that part. and proceeds to bribe cajole, entice and f0rce all the braintrust in europe to do his bidding ‘or else’. so by 1950 looky looky at all the swastikas in the old country.
    next up clobber russia with V4 rockets of which some carry fission bombs which real purpose is to scare the bejeezuz out of America because after all, the Manhattan project never happened.

    but this timeline got derailed because a flawed titan said never never never give in.

    a personal note, the strategy has worked for me 100% of the time.
    aka in those rare and infrequent encounters of the punk-in-yer-face kind my steely calm resolve using body language and an economy of words and tone plant the notion that the punk just might have picked the wrong target. the hypothetical scenario goes like this, the impression is conveyed that ‘gee, I might get hurt. well, that being the case lm gonna make sure l hurt one of them in the process. they might even ‘win’ but theyre gonna fcukin pay.
    havent needed to in some time now that lm retired, keep to myself mostly.

    l call it nuclear deterrence. the comparison is very close not the least of which so far MAD has kept the missiles in the silos and mobile launchers.

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