Well, Rats!

“Mr Trudeau, the caucus is revolting.”

Many Liberal MPs who once thought they might survive on their own popularity are now facing the reality that they will lose their jobs because of the unpopularity of the same leader who helped them win back in 2015.

Liberal MPs were told at that 2022 caucus that there was a plan to turn things around. They were told the same thing when they met last month in Nanaimo, B.C., for this year’s summer caucus retreat. Indeed, applause could be heard from the closed-door meeting in the room at the conference centre in downtown Nanaimo when Trudeau’s director of strategic communications, Max Valiquette, presented his marketing plan for the months ahead.

Now many of those MPs complain that nothing was done after the St. Andrews meetings. And nothing has been done since Nanaimo.

The complainers say there has been no promised communications campaign, no change in policies, and no change in the way the PM and his senior aides interact with caucus. […]

Last Wednesday, while Trudeau was out of the country, the chair of the Atlantic caucus, Nova Scotia’s Kody Blois, startled the weekly national caucus meeting by declaring that Atlantic MPs had just come from a “a difficult but frank discussion about the future of the party” and then he simply walked out of the closed-door national caucus meeting.

40 Replies to “Well, Rats!”

  1. Hopefully those chickenshit Liberal MP’s will continue to be the craven disgusting cowards that they are and fail to oust their dear leader.

    How anybody could have allowed that petulant narcissist to destroy a once great country over the past few years is disgraceful.

    Idiot voters are even more disgusting and disgraceful, they have made everyone pay for their stupidity.

  2. Don’t worry kids. Mark Carney and Fraulein Cellulite Perogie and Onions, short skirt edition will save them.

    1. Poor Chrystia. She won’t even have the option of fleeing to “Ukraine” one step ahead of the RCMP much longer.

    2. There is so much magical thinking going on here.

      Trudeau himself has repeatedly said that he has little interest in policy and that his role is to be merely the “front person” for the party. So all the rot we’ve seen such as [insert any number things here such as carbon tax, online harms act, green slush fund scandal, out of control immigration, abuse of temporary foreign worker program, SNC Lavalin scandal, online news act fiasco, arrivecan scandal, etc., etc] is not really the fault of Trudeau but collectively, of the LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA itself.

      Please tell me how changing the mere public face of the party is going it change ANYTHING????

      It’s the Liberal Party itself that has to go!

      Anyone who thinks differently is seriously deluded and belongs in a rubber room.

      1. Corollary: these “Dissident Liberal MPs” are even bigger scum than Trudeau in that the former believe that their own very real complicity in the decline of this country – they were there right beside Justin and served as his trained seals, obedient lapdogs, servile fanboys and fangirls all along – will be overlooked by the voters merely by the replacement of their now-unpopular figurehead and that their political careers can continue.

        Do they really think Canadian voters are that stupid and gullible????

        They do.

        And why? Because many Canadians voters ARE that stupid and gullible.

      2. Sadly, you’re right. It will also get the idiots who will elect a dung heap as long as it holds a Lieberal banner back to voting for them.

  3. They suppported a man who, to anyone with two functioning neurons, was obviously intent on undermining Canada and hurting Canadians. And now they worry they’ll lose their seats in the House of Commons.

    They deserve to lose much more.

  4. the rats?
    Palace revolt?
    Let them eat cake?
    October surprise? Are the FLQ back to blow things up?

  5. “…the chair of the Atlantic caucus, Nova Scotia’s Kody Blois, startled the weekly national caucus meeting by declaring that Atlantic MPs had just come from a ‘a difficult but frank discussion about the future of the party’…”

    Hah. What future?

    The Liberal Party is the party of every pack of anti-Semitic scum in Canada, the French Canadians, Muslims and militant homosexuals, just to name the most notorious. The apostate Jews the Liberals used to use to pretend they didn’t hate Jews are dying out. Jews who fear the Lord and keep His commandments switched to the Conservatives long before October 7.

    These miserable “communities” have no future in Canada, and do not deserve one. And neither does their miserable party.

  6. “Bevan is a Liberal ‘old hand,’ a soft-spoken Brit, quick with a smile and a laugh who has been working in and around federal and Ontario Liberal parties for ages.”

    Well this guy has run some disastrous campaigns.

    “News of this ‘revolt’ broke publicly on Friday, as Trudeau and his closest aides were in the midst of a 13-hour flight from Laos to a refuelling stop in Honolulu on an RCAF aircraft with no internet connectivity.”

    Remind me again why our military aircraft are third rate? maybe forth rate, if you consider that even airlines offer internet connectivity now.

    1. Woah! That’s a dangerous gap in communications. What if the Red Phone rang and it was Putin?

      Wait… Red Phone? Putin? Calling Sparkle Socks?…. Hahahahaha!


  7. I don’t think Turdo could resign even if he wanted to.
    I believe the WEF has him lock stock and balls.
    They may still want Canada as the WEF’s showcase for one world gov.

  8. I’m going to push to have a park built with an open air urinal and all Liberal politicians are to be buried under it when they die. Then the whole country can come to Ottawa to whizz on their graves.

  9. Trudeau will never be able to walk the streets unmolested. He froze the bank accounts of Canadians. He should be in jail.

  10. Dear Leader Justine is not my enemy.
    Every citizen who voted for him and his henchcreatures is.
    Liberals are scum.
    Closely followed by Never Done Payers.
    Can Ahh Duh is done.
    For we owe more than we can ever pay.
    40% of us are Not Sees,who will never see the damage they inflict,because their income depends on it.
    60% of those who vote are Communists.
    So there will never be an end to the theft by government.
    Forget Reform.
    Try a little retribution.

  11. The caucus is right to try to convince the turd to step down, and that worries me.
    I want the turd to lead the lieberals into the next election, where he will undoubtedly get trounced by the electorate.
    What would happen if there’s a change of leadership before the election does worry me. Can the liebs find a candidate that can actually reverse their slide in the polls? IMHO, PP’s source of his popularity is the dislike… strike that… utter contempt the electorate has for dear leader. If the turd steps aside for someone like the suave, sophisticated Carney, who very few Canadians know about, it could reverse lieberal fortunes in the next election.
    Am I wrong to be concerned? Look at the momentum the dems uncorked when they swapped out the immensely unpopular Biden for a relative unknown like Camelface. It does look like the momentum for Harris is waning now, but that bump she got sure lasted longer than my comfort zone would allow.
    (btw… I’m still not convinced that Trump will be declared the winner. I’m still worried that the dems have something up their sleeve.)

    1. The US is not Canada. everyone, Dems included know Kamala is going to lose, if the TPTB present her as the winner, Americans will not accept it.

      If the Liberals win with a new leader, Canadians will breathe a sigh of relief, confident they can continue to blame the decline of the country on Government and do….nothing. Responsibility is toxic to infantilized Canadians, they deserve all that is coming.

  12. I take all these reports with a grain of salt until someone leaves the liberal caucus.
    How this story plays out depends on who and how many.

  13. Our system requires two somewhat centrist parties trading off power as the governing party starts to stink. The NDP have no possibility of governing until they embrace the real world, so never. Rename the fringe vanity parties, ie EMay party, MaxB Party and forget about them – they are a distraction at best. I see the CPC as a careerist troughers-in-waiting, but it is the best option available. Liberals, who long ago abandoned liberalism but kept the name, have had power so long that they enjoy the perks but have no fear of penalties. In the brief periods they are out of power they search for a saviour to bring them back to the trough.
    My wish is to have Trudeau lead them into the election and them being quashed. I also have delusions that the chastened remnants eliminate every last vestige of the Trudeau influences and develop policies that benefit Canadians. At present we have lib troughers panicking. A 60% reduction in these trained seals is just a start.

  14. Oh look, some Lieberal minions feel their iron rice bowl is cracking. They might have to go back to [gasp!] the Private Sector and work for a living. Oh noes!

  15. So in the article it is said that the PMO is taking names….. OK so what will that accomplish? The MPs know that they are about to lose their seats anyways so their odds of being re-elected are increased by getting kicked out by Trudeau. Well that and the fact that Trudeau really can’t lose too many more MPs or his hold on power will come to a very abrupt end.

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