48 Replies to “Andrew Coyne Hardest Hit”

  1. I may not be a fan of Trump but given a choice between Trump or Kackles…… I have no option. Trump would have my vote.

    1. heyo andy panda at the very worst and minimum the election is a choice between what many see as a pompous blowhard billionaire who knows how to get things done and a clucking teenager fresh from a pajama party with the muscle of the MEdia and judicial cystem behind her/it/them

    2. Blasphemy notwithstanding, yes, AC is an idiot! And is also out of touch with the electorate.
      He should at least take some time asking WHY so many Canadians are supporting Trump instead of brushing off concerns of these Canadians as deplorables.

      And I take offense to the use of the Lord’s name in vain in a public forum. As a journalist, AC should know better.

  2. Central Canadian journalists haven’t understood Canadians outside of urban Quebec and Ontario for decades. Seems to me that they’ve lost the ability to hear and listen because they spend all of their time lecturing, scolding and mocking Canadians they don’t understand. Coyne, in particular, knows a lot about a couple of subjects but next to nothing about anything else. Class snobbery and book smarts is a poor substitute for investigative journalism.

    The best things central Canadian journalists could do is get off their high horse, put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and take a road trip to rural areas, small cities/towns and western Canada. Talk to the people they look down their noses at and collect some first hand information. Perhaps legacy journalists wouldn’t be continually shocked and appalled if they got off the parliamentary side of their arse and did actual research.

  3. The Democrats could nominate or in post democracy Obama’s deep state fashion, assign Juan Corona as their candidate and the “enlightened” Canadian establishment would concentrate on smearing whomever was the Republican nominee. TDS is a badge of honour for the Laurentian elite and the progressive drone class. It’s never occurred to them that more than half of American voters prefer Trump despite his flaws because the Democrats are so much worse.

  4. And the journalists are left to wonder why journalism is held in such low esteem here and in the US. Look in the mirror Ass___e.
    You and your “Fellow journalists” should all be out cleaning windshields for a living.

  5. Maybe he’s just apalled the disinformation machine he sold his soul to is not preforming as intended. Even without any real media outlet presenting the other side in Canada, even with a bought media, even with online censorship.

  6. Today. Not in 2016, when they might not have understood fully what he was about. But now, after all that he has said and done since, including this horrific election campaign. In Canada.

    Agreed. Why is Trump’s support so low in Canada?

  7. Without blaspheming, my shock at least equals Coyne’s. Only 48% of conservative men would support Trump?! 31% of them would support kamala! Holy Hannah! Canada truly is a dystopian dumpster fire and perhaps nobody embodies that dumpster better than Coyne. Get well soon.

    1. I don’t get why anyone supports Trudeau or Harris (except perhaps for government workers, and I think government workers shouldn’s be allowed to vote – conflict of interest).

    2. That was my reaction too. Yiikes!! I guess Canadians treasure sweet Tweets over basic economic competency … and LOVE for Nation.

      It’s one thing for Canadians … to be nice. It’s quite another … to be stupid

      1. You got it almost right Kenji, Canadians in general are nice and stupid. Both….maybe stupidly nice or nicely stupid.
        That’s why after 9 years we still have shiny sock puppet as our dear leader. We here, shrug our shoulders in unison. Once in a while we rise like the truckers did.
        Canadians need to mobilize in Ottawa and demand an election…we will not survive till October 2025.
        Hopefully Trump will pressure the Turd once in power…I know the keystone pipeline will restart, it might be too much for the Turd and his econazi cabinet and influencers.
        The Canadian approval for Trump should be much higher.

  8. LOL “All that he’s done” like raise the standard of living, stopping the illegal alien invasion and not suspending one’s rights. Hello I’d vote for him if I could.

  9. First paragraph of the article says the majority of canadians are still stupid, coyne doesn’t have to get his panties in a twist…

  10. Supporters of Harris would do well to engage in some self-reflection. Kamala is basically the accidental candidate who only got the nod once it became blindingly obvious that Joe could not possibly win the election. The Democratic campaign has basically been a relentless string of serious blunders. They have only themselves to blame, but it feels good to deflect that blame nonetheless.

  11. The astounding bit is not that Canadians support Trump as much as Americans:
    Harris VS Trump 60 per cent to 21 per cent

    But that support has risen since the 2020 election:
    Biden VS Trump 67 per cent to 15 per cent

    Bloc 89 to 7
    Lib 85 to 8
    NDP 82 to 6
    Con 36 to 44

  12. Coyne is nothing but a poser. He partakes in all the benefits of our so called moral and intellectual betters. Lord I miss Christine Blanchard and Rex Murphy. We now live in a world that defends and protects corrupt governments and roasts the opposition.

  13. Count me among the over 60’s that would vote for Trump instead of a far left, communist. imbecile. Coyne supported Trudeau so his support is perfectly consistent.

  14. Be brave Andrew, use “the prophet Mohammad” where you would normally use Jesus.

    Better yet, use Moe’s image…

    and, is Coyne offended that some Canadians don’t think as he does? Is that the job of a journalist?
    Is it a journalist’s job to promote a foreign politician? Is this what you get when the entirety of Canada’s MSM becomes dependent upon the #Libranos federal gov’t aid and tax credits?

  15. Well, of course young Canadian men envy their American neighbors a leader who actually takes the side of the people who do all the actual work and wants their country to be worth fighting for today and offer their children a future tomorrow as something other than the debt-slaves of the Chinese.

    In Canada, nobody cares what you think unless you’re a Muslim, a Chinese Communist, a flaming queer or a banker (or the nephew of a banker). Young Canadian men are sick of it. Everyone who isn’t a complete waste of air is sick of it.

  16. If I was an American citizen, I wouldn’t vote for either candidate.

    But I can see a rationale for Trump. His presidency went well. It was time of relative peace and prosperity, and he had a decent list of accomplishments.

  17. I’ve known that Canadians value dependence in government over their sense of freedom and independence from government for quite a while now. Canadians are not industrious. They prefer to be on the dole. That is why there isn’t any more support for Trump. Having said that, I am surprised of the level of support Trump is getting from Canadians. I guess those are the Canadians that have realized that it’s better to work for yourself rather than be a government serf. We need more Canadians to wake up, that’s for sure, especially when over a quarter of the current work f0rce works in the public sector. That is unsustainable in any economy!

    Really now! Filtering on the word “f0rce” when the word can be used in so many different contexts is just a ridiculous policy for any website, and I wish the moderators of this site would review and eliminate that particular policy from their web servers.

    1. Poor little feller still hasn’t gotten over Charles Adler being picked for a senate seat ahead of him.
      Losing out to Charles Adler has to sting!

  18. Coyne, Canada’s Dumbest Journalist™.

    Maybe young men just don’t want to be sent to die in WW3 started by the puppet masters controlling Walz and Harris?

  19. A couple of thoughts on this:

    1. Chiefly, what is the point of this all? Since Canadians cannot vote in US elections what they think is COMPLETELY irrelevant, although it would flatter the fatuous vanity of many Canadians, especially the readership of the Grope & Fail, that of vassal deeply-sublimated prissy Upper-Canadian Methodism, to think that their opinions actually counted for something.

    2. I highly suspect that the percentage of Canadians who like Orange Man is considerably higher that is shown on the poll (I’d like to see the questions: “do you approve of the crypto-fascist white supremacist candidacy of convicted felon Donald J. Trump, or do you prefer the ever-virtuous First Women of Colour to be Nominated President?”). I work on Bay Street and a great many of my confreres think Trump is the cat’s meow both because (i) he had arguably one of the most successful Presidential first terms in recent memory and (ii) his ability – so fun to watch! – to make all the right heads explode, and to turn ostensibly sane, left-of-center types into raging lunatics.

  20. Trump is a NY liberal. He’s voted Democrat far more times than Republican. That aside, he took over the GOP and sold his brand of populism to the American people.

    He’s an entertainer who understands his audience. He plugged into the real discontent of many Americans.

    Canadian elites and US Democrats have never figured it out. They can’t understand his appeal.

    I don’t know if he will win but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility.
    People are pissed. They know things are buggered up and the political elite that they’ve been listening too have no answers. They’re the the problem not the solution.

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