26 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. If women ran the world…
    They have been very vocal using ballot boxes since about a century and we have continued our decent towards communist hell ever since.
    Sorry Kate and the other smart ladies on SDA but your nurturing nature make most of you pivot towards the ones offering security in exchange for freedom.
    Fear and emotions are deadly if exposed to the wolves.

  2. Why people plagiarize is beyond me. All one needs to do is cite your sources, then, voila, it’s a research paper or book. That makes one look studious.

  3. Lifting research and plagiarizing from obscure academic journals is one thing. At least you were reading scholarly papers in your quest for knowledge. Wrong yes but after work has been done and before AI, hard to find.
    But lifting from Wikipedia, well that’s just the height of academic, mental and physical laziness. She has proven that she is an idiot over and over again but like Liberal voters in Canada she has a chance of winning due to the idiocy of the general public. I see why the framers only wanted land owners to be allowed to vote.

  4. Some accusations of plagiarism are questionable. If the examples have to be cut and pasted together so they look like a ransom letter, one probably has to give the author the benefit of the doubt.

    But this is more convincing. There’s a four-sentence paragraph — about 70 words — which is word for word except for the use of abbreviations. The only defense is that this was intended to be a direct quote that somehow got interpreted as normal text during the editing process. It would have been good to include the few sentences from Harris’s book just preceding the passage, as that would indicate whether it was meant as a quote.

  5. I’ve never understood the impulse to plagiarize. It’s only a little more effort to put things in one’s own words, and I enjoy doing that anyway.

    1. I’m an academic who’s published a lot over-the-top past 50 years. It never entered my head to plagiarize. It’s theft. Btw, these allegations should cost Harris the election. The conservative media (and Trump have to play this up. The U.S. establishment has sold voters a fake, sleazy candidate. This is a damning finding by Mr. Ruffo.

          1. The artistry reminds me of United Church publications that they used to pass out in Sunday School.

  6. Even SNL jumped ship this weekend, to DeMarixst outrage of course, them sensing what many already knew.

    Saw it on Twitter, but can’t download Youtube here and the land of the free.

  7. “Problem”? Plagiarism?

    The vast majority of Democrat voters don’t know or don’t care what that word means.

    Knuckle-dragging Liberals from the ivory towers to the welfare queens will vote for more authoritarian communism anyway…

  8. I’m not trying to defend her, but, it’s almost impossible to have an original thought these days. Too many billions of people have come before you. Someone already thought of it. If they wrote it down anywhere, someone will find it

  9. rayyyyyycisssst plagiarism.
    oh, sorry sorry sorry!!! its *pointing it out against a black woman* (sound familiar?)
    thats rayyyyyyycisssst.

  10. I hate Kamala as much as anyone, and wouldn’t let women vote or run for office if I had my way, but there are only so many ways you can string the words together to say that schools suck. If 70 percent of US students graduate on time with a diploma and you’re trying to say that, those are the words you need to use and that is the order that they have to go in to say it.

    1. I disagree. If you have 70 straight words that are identical to someone else’s 70 straight words, the odds that it was a coincidence are infinitesimal.

      And if you can find more instances of that in the same book, it goes from infinitesimal to infinitesimally infinitesimal.

  11. To quote Tom Lehrer, Lobachevsky:

    Let no one else’s work evade your eyes
    Remember why the good Lord made your eyes
    So don’t shade your eyes
    But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize
    Only be sure always to call it please ‘research’

  12. Wha, wha, whaaaaaaat ?! only 25% of all students graduate from Detroit High Schools !? That HAS to be a typo. Our public schools cannot have fallen THAT far off a cliff???

    Perhaps those “students” should learn how to plagiarize too ?

    And as I have been saying for YEARS … we are breeding, and importing a VAST underclass to America. An underclass who will be completely dependent on the hard working, taxpaying, productive citizens of America … right up until our nation goes $35 Trillion in debt … oh. wait. too late. The revolution is coming like a thief in the night.

    1. “$35 Trillion in debt … oh. wait.”
      hi kenji, what are the bookmakers saying how high that # gets before the past experienced around the world, and witnessed, DEBT induced hyperinflation sets in?
      (the good news when it does, 3 current dollars = the new total ‘number’ (as opposed to real value) and it all gets paid off by the price of a coffee!! wheee !!! isnt that how it works?
      lets ask Canaduh’s self balancing budget TURDeau or your pajama party queen . . . . .

  13. If I were Harris, I would blame her co-author Joan Hamilton, who might be convinced to take full responsibility with the proper inducement.

  14. Hey, remember back in the beginning of August when I said Tim Walz was a terrible choice and that while his constant embellishing and lying was bad enough…there was much, much worse? Well, strap in.

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