Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Related: On the opposite end of the spectrum, Fake Trump supporters.

40 Replies to “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”

  1. “Do you know any Trump Supporters who cover their faces and wear Dockers?”

    I don’t know about that, but I do know that in a group that large, at least a few of the marchers absolutely would be carrying Trump flags. It really struck me as odd that there wasn’t a Trump flag nor a single red MAGA hat.

    1. This is the FBI infiltration group on exercise. Probably celebrating their awesome job on January 6 and the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping. Aren’t these the guys that show up with masks and a Swastika or Confederate flag?

      1. FBI false flag white supremacist entrapment group, aka “Patriot Front”. So pathetically blatant yet proof enough for credulous msm to inflate to ridiculous proportions.

  2. The “fake Trump” supporters appear to be members of Patriot Front – pretty much a racist militia group. Anti-government, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant…
    But I might be wrong.

    1. They are FBI LARPers, faking a “hate group” propaganda routine.
      Who covers their faces up?
      Demarxists and Antifa, that’s who! As said above, MAGA supporters are proud of their Trump support, don’t cover their faces, fly the Trump flag and wear their Red Hats as badges of HONOUR.
      This is the definition of Astroturfing.

  3. The 3 letter alphabets, trying to convince everyone who can vote, that all these shooters are just centrist conservatives that want to kill Trump, and remove him and his followers from the GOP.

    1. 51 former intelligence officials will testify to the fact that alleged threats to Trump’s life show all the signs of Russian disinformation.

    1. “So they found an American with guns in his car? Don’t all Americans have guns in their cars?”

      Yes, but usually in the glovebox.

  4. I like the alternate identities..every North American deserves the right to self identify,by carrying two or three “fake” IDs.
    Who will this one “identify as” when it gets to court?
    While it ever get to court?
    Or will it vanish,as this arrest has served its purpose…

    As for the “Fake Trump Supporters”,heh nice uniforms..I suspect a State of Thuggery Agency,as there are too many little boys playing dress up, in the video,..I see funding and organization .

    And where do such conformists gravitate to?
    Government,where some one else will do their thinking..
    “I was just following orders, sir”.

    1. They weren’t fake IDs. I assume that his American passport was in his American name, his Armenian passport in his Armenian name, etc.. I suspect they are only illegal if there is an attempt to defraud. As he must use his American passport to enter the US, I don’t see a problem. The fact that he wasn’t arrested on any other charges screams bullshit. Not even unregistered motor vehicle for supposed fake plates. I wonder if the the firearms charges will stick. They hotboxed him in the police car until he “volunteered” to let them search his vehicle.

      1. If I keep an expired CDL from 2002 in my wallet … does that make me a criminal for carrying a FAKE ID? Sorry … I need a LOT more DETAIL … before I buy anyone’s narrative.

        Anyway … they’ve already labeled him “far right” … and has loaded weapons … so … mission accomplished. Right?

        1. I still have my fake ID from 1978, I was only 17 and you had to be 19 in Ontario to drink. Don’t know if the bartenders didn’t see the American eagle with the arrows in its claws in the background on my “Ontario” ID, or didn’t care

      2. “They weren’t fake IDs. I assume that his American passport was in his American name, his Armenian passport in his Armenian name, etc.. ”

        Nope. One US, one Canadian…he was born in Toronto.

        ” The fact that he wasn’t arrested on any other charges screams bullshit. Not even unregistered motor vehicle for supposed fake plates.”

        Exactly. The firearms charges are the only things they could legally charge him with, and even those are suspect since he openly declared having them in the trunk (and not on his person).

    2. If the dude is a “Sovereign Citizen”, it explains the Fake IDs and fake plates. If he is a SovCit, he’s still a bit of a whack job.

  5. The guy had fake ID, a fake license plate, no vehicle registration, you name it.

    And now he claims to be a Trump supporter. He has lied about everything else, so I have no reason to believe that.

    1. So why wasn’t he charged with fake ID, fake license plate, and unregistered motor vehicle? Curious minds inquire. Some short peckered deputy thought he solved the Lindbergh kidnapping.

  6. Need more information. I don’t know who to believe here.

    The first thing that comes to my mind, though, when I read about this is the fact that he volunteered information about guns in his trunk *and was immediately arrested* for doing so. Arrested on what charge? They hadn’t checked the guns, his car or his ID at that point…so how it is legal to arrest him? How does an armed police officer, at a checkpoint and surrounded by other officers, “feel threatened” by an unarmed man with his hands on the wheel? Hmmm….

    1. If you watch any of the thousands of filmed cop interactions on YT, you won’t be surprised how many of them have no clue about civil and constitutional rights and even when they do, still have no problem violating them.

      As you often see in the comments of such videos, “it takes longer to become a trained hairdresser than a cop”.

      1. no kidding. like multiply ‘show-me-your-ID-with-no-grounds-or-get-arrested’
        by oh, say, 5,000 for starters . . . .

      1. “According to the sheriff’s department, the first indication that something was wrong was a fake license plate.”

        And yet NO CHARGES laid for that, or the ‘fake ID’? Still not buying it. And why does a guy allow himself to be handcuffed without being arrested?…not liking that part, either.

        1. Sounds like you’re jumping to conclusions based on paltry evidence. The Sheriff’s department might lay more charges as time goes on. They often do that. The firearms charge was likely the most serious of the lot (other than “conspiracy to commit murder”, which would require much investigation and be up to the feds to lay), so they went with that.

          1. I once judged chickens at the local fair, but I was never comfortable reaching conclusions based on poultry evidence.

    2. I don’t know for sure either, but my reaction to Miller’s video is that his story is more credible than what I’m hearing out of the Sheriff’s office. When I first heard of this, I thought to myself, “Self, Why would any law enf0rcement agency make such a comment when there are literally no facts to support his hypothesis, only suspicions, and some firearms in the car which there could be at least a dozen explanations for?
      It seems to me that police/sheriff departments usually reserve their comments because of the “ongoing investigation.” For this sheriff to report that “they probably stopped a third Trump assassination attempt” does come off as a wee bit prejudicial. It’ll be interesting to see how the courts handle this. I’m predicting full acquittal, even in California.

  7. Remember how ENTHUSIASTICALLY the FBLIE reported the first Trump Assassin was a registered Republican? The Deep State is desperate to find CRAZY Trump supporters … so of course they jumped on this guy. The FBLIE is run by people who think like Jussie Smallett

    1. 30 (yes, 30) FBI agents were sent to investigate a garage door pull rope at a NASCAR event. There was a half-dozen just like it at other teams’ garages. The loop is easier to grab to pull the door down.

      Fan Belt Inspectors.

    1. Superb point. Either this guy doesn’t have a lawyer, or he’s ignoring his lawyer’s advice. Either way, he a damn fool.

      1. “Superb point. Either this guy doesn’t have a lawyer, or he’s ignoring his lawyer’s advice. Either way, he a damn fool.”

        And either way, he’s going to be rich.

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