Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car

Winnipeg Sun;

A search of Winnipeg news produced reports of stabbings in February, April, and August. There were two incidents with three victims already in October.

In St. Boniface, five males followed and stabbed a man on St. Mary’s Road, in the West End on Portage Avenue, a mother and teenage daughter were stabbed and robbed by a trio of young females.

“It’s crazy,” the mother told CTV. “She was trying to murder me on the bus, for no reason. Like we did nothing to her, she just came and attacked us.”

And the other passengers? “They just watched.”

And then, there’s this.

17 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car”

  1. Maybe the passengers “just watched” because they fear the tier 2 Canadian justice system?
    Maybe the passengers “just watched” because they know that if they’re injured, they’ll miss work for 2 months while they wait for a medical appointment with a Dr. who speaks actual English? and then expect the follow up to consist mostly of “walk it off Pumpkin” as the next physio for this injury would start in 14 months.

    It’s for a rare person that I’d risk being involved with, as the riffraff that the tier 2 Canadian gov’t has allowed into this crappy country have poisoned the waters.
    To be fair, there’s a few valid reasons why I moved from Regina (the city which rhymes with “fun”) when I saw the locals who’d been violated by long term locals not being protected by law, and not being permitted in tier 2 Canada to be able to take matters into their own hands.

    The unionised bus driver certainly is paid to drive the bus, if he was to police the bus against criminal activity he’d have to be paid for that too, and I’m not suggesting $1. / hour extra… I don’t know anyone who’d do this job for under the union rate. Perhaps the newly elected NDP gov’t of Manitoba has an idea? But policing the bus by unarmed bus drivers is out of the question, especially considering that the drivers have the belligerents behind them and able to battle them off with their right arm.

    lol… there was an article at the BBC this am on how many new migrants from Africa (mostly Senegal) are seeking to migrate to the Canary Islands and how the locals are at breaking point with their kindness, there’s no room on their buses for local citizens as all available spaces are always for the Africans, and the rules? well they’re for the locals to follow.

    and Canada too, is broken.
    When you see someone stuck in the ditch in January and you know they’ll freeze to death, before asking if they need help be certain to ask if they are now or have they ever been a member of the NDP or #Libranos Party of Canada. Take steps to avoid personal contact, Protect yourself from those people at all cost. At least if it’s cold enough outside they’ll simply go to sleep and it’s relatively unpainful even while they know the end is near.
    For us, the living? We get to live with their #Libranos decisions until the next revolution.

    1. Well said. If you can’t defend yourself or others against the vermin without the authorities charging you with a crime why would you even bother. Sure, there’s a moral issue here, but TPTB are busy stamping out morality (and justice) in almost all aspects of everyday life. So you have to cognizant of the consequences and act accordingly.

      1. In the split second when you’re expected to act firmly, who has the time to weigh all the consequences?
        The moral issues reflect differently on all sorts of people, and change throughout the altercation?
        My uff meter is pegged.

        For all I know, the belligerents and the bus drivers, or other passengers, they could be neighbors and it’s all about how they greet each other in public like teenage hockey players from junior B.

        1. Yes, no one has time to weigh all the consequences. That’s why, in this day and age, with random violence increasing and likely to increase further, you should mentally map out how best to react in both life-threatening and non-life-threatening situations. A precurser to that is situational awareness.

  2. The assault in private automobiles through high prices, limited range, tolls, traffic restrictions, and excessive fuel taxation is an attack on women and families as well as seniors and other more vulnerable people
    At one time there were women and children only sections in bars and transit. For good reason.
    Whereas at one time the role of govenment was seen as protecting the people, now rogue govenments and law agancies had decided their role is to protect the offenders.
    Is making the populations feel unsafe part of the plan?
    Is the message “Unless you are tough or insane, stay home, lock your door, order in?”

  3. Give me a good six figure salary somewhere in the bureaucracy to deal with this and I’ll make sure this problem goes on forever. I’ll work for a charity or non-profit too, less benefits but higher wages.

    Exploiting people is good business and leftists are experts at raking in cash from the suffering of others.

  4. “The passengers just watched”. What? They didn’t record the whole thing on their iphones and then slink away?

  5. They’ve had decades to get the Mennonite street gangs under control, but they’ve fiddled and farted as the problems got worse and worse.

  6. My dentist is located in a strip mall on the east side of Winnipeg, well away from the downtown core. Last year, a homeless person pitched her tent at the back of the building. At the same time, vagrants staked a claim on a bus shelter on a main route through the area.

  7. From the Comments:

    “The question I have for everybody is:
    why is almost always the same demographic that is in these bus shelters and committing the crime and violence in the downtown area? We all know who they are, but nobody wants to talk about it for fear of being called a racist.
    You won’t solve any problem unless you talk about the problem instead of blaming everything that they do on everybody else n defending the criminals.”

  8. The calculus isn’t that difficult…

    Unless the bystander happens to be attending his local Historical Armored Combat Sports Association meet, and is fully geared, no one is going to get involved with someone armed with a knife.

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