13 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Shattered Giant Mirrors”

  1. Guaranteed Job Security for Chinese Workers.
    Orders for replacement panels are no doubt already in place with Chinese suppliers, and heavy metals leaching into your water supply are no problem.

  2. That tornado took quite a Swath…
    Funny, I’ve never heard of a Hurricane or Tornado that damaged pipelines…

    Solar – Turbine Fields….? Easy prey for a Cat 3

    1. Traditional power plants can withstand all but a direct hit by a tornado or a powerful earthquake. Other than that, even the harshest weather we see on the prairies usually only knocks traditional power plants offline for a short period of time.

  3. “Jason Wang, a senior electricity analyst with the clean energy think tank the Pembina Institute agreed with Luo, and said if Alberta wants to protect grasslands and agriculture lands then restrictions like these would need to be applied across the energy sector, rather than solely on renewables.
    “It feels very elementary to say, but these sectors aren’t being treated in the same way,” Wang said.”

    Thought I’d highlight that green energy activists all of a sudden want all energy sources to be treated equally by governments. I wonder if that includes the amount paid per megawatt, equal access to the grid, environmental reviews, upsteam and downstream carbon accounting, being included in the federal impact assessments act, fines for damage to birds and bats etc.?

  4. Restrictions on solar and wind are great but why not just get rid of the subsidies and monopolies that come from regulations? Take away the free money and it’ll work itself out. If something actually does add value, it’ll survive.

  5. Given all the hazardous components in a solar panel, why would this property not be considered a Superfund site going forward?

    1. “Clean, green, renewable, reliable, affordable …” Funny thing, I don’t remember the adjective: “uninsurable” loss ever being used?

  6. What is the insurance actuary wet dream of insuring a solar field? Is it a safe guess between 25 & 50 % of the install cost, Annually, as a premium?

  7. whine whine whine.
    where’s a lineman when ya want one?
    oh, right, they havent finished their studies and in fact are even still undecided what gender they are etc etc
    there is a connexion . . . . . (just not with the wiring ha ha ha!!!)

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