Your Moral and Intellectual Superiors

Spiked- Journalism vs the people

The result is a socially and culturally homogenous media elite. An elite dominated by credentialed, largely upper-middle-class people who share more in common with journalists in other countries than they do with vast swathes of the public in their own countries.

2 Replies to “Your Moral and Intellectual Superiors”

  1. The collective media are no different than pollsters. They do not collect and report information … but they PUSH their preferred opinion … disguised in terms of “integrity” and “accuracy”. And they dismiss all divergent reports as … “misinformation”.

    They’re useless. They’re dangerous.

  2. The legacy media live in an echo chamber of progressive narratives while bemoaning the evolution of technology that has eliminated their monopoly over the masses that existed a generation ago. The notion that anyone can start up their own information, commentary, and political discourse available to the world when they spent years and tens of thousands of dollars on getting credentialed to the gilded in-crowd likely makes them resentful and bitter as the world passes them by. No wonder they now advocate for censorship of the plebs with thinly disguised platitudes such as “disinformation”. The free market isn’t buying what they’re selling and they’re blaming in on the market. It’s an old story that keeps repeating.

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