18 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. The beauty of this is, just like dead people, the illegals don’t even have to go to the polls to vote. The Dims will fill out a ballot for them. How convenient is that?

    What a timesaver for those illegals!

  2. As many of you know, my son passed away in 2020. I have his absentee ballot sitting here on the kitchen island. He’s never been taken off the voter rolls. He was receiving SS disability income, which was cut off less than 30 days after his death (as it should have been). But the County Registrar of Voters, evidently, has no access to public death notices. They have no computer program that searches for matching deaths with voter rolls.

    No, I’m not going to tell anyone at the Registrar that he’s dead. I want to see just how many years this idiocy persists.

    1. It’ll probably stop really quick if he votes Republican, early and often.

      My condolences by the way, Kenji. These things are very hard.

    2. May I add my condolences and sympathy, Kenji, and share your concern with the conduct of the election, but I would suggest that you look into your obligations under the law when you learn of an invalid name on voters list. I worry about you getting railroaded by some Democrat DA.

  3. If it wasn’t for fraud, then why else…? is there any other reason for Biden-Harris DOJ to do this?

    It’s clearly to cheat on an election, they know others will think it’s to cheat, it looks like cheating, yet they don’t seem to care? The winners write the histories and all that.

  4. The Blob, while ostensibly using the cover of the now Orwellian named Democratic party, doesn’t believe in democracy and prefers to (has to) game it. It now does so openly as the levels of corruption are so beyond the reach and interest of their corrupted justice system. This is a shell of democratic imagery disguising the abuse sufficiently for the in-house media, progressive cult, and their barely sentient Eloi. They are running a candidate that not one Democrat got to vote for. What followed is consistent.

  5. brazen. its like the skullduggery stuff they have all gone thru might not be enough, given the pajama party giggler is still slipping. so lets use the DOJ which proved quite handy in other anti-Trump areas.
    will it take Devine Intervention to counter this? seems that happened at least once before involving a rifle round and 1 centimeter, if that’s the case l’m certain The One Who did that will continue as necessary.

      1. did Grant Devine have the means and capability of fine tuning the trajectory of a rifle round in that manner? plus if Mr G Devine is no longer with us, perhaps youve got the wrong Devine in mind.

  6. The Department of Justice actively promotes voting fraud.

    I can’t believe I just typed that, much less that it is an actual fact.

    Garland should be facing criminal charges immediately.

    1. Can you even imagine what this “moderate” AG would have done to the SCOTUS. D’ya remember Chuck Schumer, et.al. insisting Garland was a lifelong “moderate”?

    1. Now check to see if the Voter rosters have been audited and purged of illegals 91 days or more ahead of this election? You know the answer. As always … the Dem’s. just run out the clock.

    2. Republicans pointed out the glaring problems in December. Democrats slow-walked a response and refused to act. There was absolutely no need for a lawsuit if Democrats did the job they were required to do by law.

      “Its analysis found Douglas, Lyon and Storey counties had greater than 100 percent voter registration, or more registered voters than eligible voters, and that Carson City, Churchill, Clark, Eureka and Washoe counties had rates of 90 percent or higher.
      To compare, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Nevada’s statewide registrations rates were 65.1 percent in the 2022 election and 66.2 percent in the 2020 election.”


      As pointed out above, you do seem to get an erection every time the sleazy Democrats manage to game the system!

    3. key word ASs, “voters”. as such there are criteria to becoming a VOTER which the illegals missed. so ASs, shove your argument up your ASs with your ‘law is the law is the law is the law’ CRAP.
      vastly MORE important to keep the voters list count nice and high for all sorts of mischief as opposed to ensure the voters lists are ACCURATE AND LEGIT?
      so typical of the left there ASs.

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