Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa


Defence Minister Bill Blair says he cannot explain why his office waited nearly two months to approve a security warrant placing Liberal Party organizers under surveillance over suspicious contacts with members of the Chinese Communist Party. “I agree I was at all times responsible,” Blair testified at the Commission on Foreign Interference: “Was this a politically sensitive warrant?”

Oh look! Over there!!!

And an official statement from the Honourable Member For Air India.

13 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. China has been doing to Canada the same kinds of things that the US does all over the world, including Ukraine, where we politically captured the government and turned the country into the hellhole that it currently is, to help us in our planned war with China.

    The most delusional part of the whole strategy is our belief that we could turn China against Russia, leaving China to stand against us alone once we deposed Putin, and took apart the Russian Federation.

    I feel terrible for the Ukrainians whom we led down the primrose path, all the while never caring for them a bit. It was always about Putin and Xi. That corrupt and therefore poverty stricken s*hole never had a chance to get into the EU, and they cut themselves off from their actual economic lifeline, which was Russia.

    Anyway, China learned the game from us. It’s all connected. They are probably heavily involved in Mexican politics too, and the billions in bribes they paid to the Biden’s… well, those were wasted. Nobody can trust a Biden but another Biden, and the Bidens only trust other Bidens.

  2. It’s too late, Joostaihn. Despite the valiant efforts of your loyal media to help you out, your shrinking fanbase contains only the dregs of the electorate. They are capable of handling only one distraction at a time: The Big Orange Squirrel.

  3. Not to be distracted from the Chicoms by this cheap trick, but I have a question: why does anyone think there are so many Indians in Canada? Could it be sleazy deals with India? Starting in the 1970s with #TrudeauTheElder.

    India pretty much took over Canada’s trucking industry. And Canada’s biggest city too. Was that an accident?

    Chicoms attack from the top down, India attacks from the bottom up. Same thing, different direction. Which is more dangerous? I guess we’ll see.

  4. The federal NDP leader just finished his news conference. Justin’s media is excited that Jagmeet spent a lot of the time trashing the leader of the federal Conservatives, for not being serious about foreign threats.

    1. Two things are clear.

      1. Trudope is cuddling up to the terrorist Sikhs, at the expense of the majority Hindu population of India. And destroying a relationship with one of the world’s biggest developing economies.
      2. Trudope is also showing, clearly, their China problem by omission. India, Act Fast and expel the diplomats!
      China……where’s that? Oh, nice food!

  5. This India spat is typical shenanigan Blackie style. He pretends to be great defender of Canadians + fighting foreign interference. But back pandemic time he stomped without a second thought on Canadians’ rights and freedoms. And re foreign interference, we all know how China is influencing even local elections, just take a look at Comrade Olivia Chow.
    With India he could have keep it down low, talk over the phone etc. Even if India is indeed doing what he claims, it’s not like they’re targeting Nobel prize winners. And saying that they are Canadians it’s a big stretch, when they’re fighting for some separatist/land grab stuff in India.
    This is also like another warning/told you so for all of us to keep in mind election time: if PP doesn’t win absolute & strong majority over Liebs+NDP+BQ+Green, Prime Moron will do all kind of dirty moves like this one, forever-and-ever.

    1. the TURDeau’s waffling and gross inconsistency is a sign he is unfit.
      which doesnt factor in that hard core support base that vote liberal regardless.

  6. I find the most outrageous part of all this, India Bad politics,is the blatant lies from the RCMP..
    They have evidence.
    So they say.
    Just like all those other times..they have evidence…
    But nobody can see it.
    What they produce in court usually is the opposite of what they claimed, at the “We have Evidence” stage..
    Those Churches Burned themselves..

    What say The 5 Eyes ?
    Our coordinated foreign spies?
    Besides “Orange Man Bad”?

  7. Bill Blair “cannot explain” because it would identify him and his office as interfering with an investigation, which this government has a “proud” history of doing to other investigations.

  8. “… we’re calling on the Government of Canada to … commit to pursuing the most severe consequences for anyone found to have participated in organized criminal activity on Canadian soil.”

    Jaghmeet loves to grandstand. He knows it won’t happen because it could eliminate around half of the Liberal MP’s from Quebec.

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