10 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. The Liberals and the left wing/globalist apparatus will make sure this well anchored (Especially in Quebec) Canadian propaganda machine Carry’s on keeping the majority obedient and stupid…what is it for Soros to cut a check…they need no sponsors…nor does CTV for that matter…Bell gets tax cuts from the fed.

  2. Ad revenue dropped to $270,000??? Am I reading that right? We give them $1.5 billion and they raise $270,000 in ad revenue? Can’t be right. For that amount I would say go “ad free” because that is where they are.

    1. No. you need to go to the actual Annual Report to see the results. CBC financial figures are stated in millions.
      Go here.
      For the financials (and avoiding all the self-serving propaganda), go to starting page 34.
      The consolidated balance sheet starts in p. 62. Come to your own conclusions, but CBC shows a net revenue surplus which is much smaller than the federal financial contribution. And both are large compared to the revenues from advertising.

      If this was a normal business, it would already have been in receivership a long time ago.

  3. The CBC only had 1 show that ever turned a profit and that was Hockey Night in Canada and they did everything they could to screw it up.

  4. Context — TV ad revenue is down a ton for Yank broadcast and CATV outlets. Cause the advertising is going online instead. Same holds true for newspapers and auto racing — losing ad money (“sponsorship”) to online ads.

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