11 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. As long as it exists, the CBC will always need more money.
    As long as statists (fckn communists) are in power in Canada, the Ceeb will always get more money.

  2. “The CBC will need more money”.

    Not to nitpick the True North article too much. But the article says the CBC earned $270,036 in revenue this year. But the quoted number is in thousands, and should read something like $270,036,000.

    Good to see the Ceeb losing as revenue though.

      1. Okay, folks. Peter has established the government funding over/under bet line as 50%. I think I’ll place my bet on the ‘over 50%’

  3. Instead of blaming lack of revenues the CBC and ALL other news (sic.) outlets should be looking at the ratings instead. If you were to read the “ratings book” you would see that the CBC has nearly no Listeners. This has gone on for years. Their lack of programming that people want to hear is staggering. Yes they had a couple of good programs but most no one wanted to listen too. If you were to take the number of listeners and the the dollar value for any period the cost per listener (cost per impression) would be staggering. At one time the CBC had a clear mandate and had integrity and was honest in its reporting, those days are long gone.

    1. CBC started their trek down the Communist path the day Trudeau senior took office… followed by CTV at a similar point in time. Both of their programming WOKE Commie garbage…Neither has graced my screen in at least 45 years.

      Best thing that ever happened in Media EVER, was Elon Buying Twitter…!

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