Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Sam Cooper:

For the first time, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has testified on his view of two explosive Canadian intelligence reports, including the “Targeting Paper,” which described how Chinese diplomats assessed Canadian MPs based on how helpful or hurtful they could be to Beijing. Trudeau confirmed that this report was not shared with him by his key security advisor, Jody Thomas.

Additionally, Trudeau addressed three memos starting in 2019 that intended to brief him on foreign interference threats, all of which he claimed never reached his desk, with the intended briefings for Parliamentarians, which he was requested to authorize, only occurring in June 2024.

The inquiry into foreign interference in Canada’s elections has uncovered deep, ongoing divisions between Trudeau’s top aides and Canada’s intelligence community, with particular focus on two pivotal reports: the CSIS Targeting Paper and the PCO January 2022 Special Report. These documents, which detail how Beijing has sought to influence Canadian politics, have become central to understanding how the government responded—or failed to respond—to the growing threat of interference. […]

However, Trudeau acknowledged that despite some “interesting tidbits” in the report, his National Security Intelligence Advisor (NSIA) had decided not to pass it on to him in 2021, deeming it not significantly relevant to his understanding of China’s behavior. “I have faith, having looked at the paper, that it was indeed the right decision by the National Security Intelligence Advisor—that it wasn’t a document that significantly added in a relevant way to my understanding of the situation.”

The actual contents of this paper are unknown, and blocked from the Commission by Trudeau’s Attorney General.

From @SheilaGunnReid: Trudeau blames CSIS for THREE memos advising unclassified briefings for parliamentarians on foreign interference languishing without action in HIS office FOR 5 YEARS.

9 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. “They are arrogant, dismissive and disdainful.”

    Why not? Libs and their pals have been getting away with it all because on average Canadians are idiots.

  2. well l never knew the communications process at that level went kinda ‘l alone determine the flow of information to the TURDeau, l am the gatekeeper, hitler had one to create deniability so the TURDeau channeling same he needs a gatekeeper as well and better yet, to improve on that model, *doesnt even know about it*.
    perhaps its just[inTURDeau] Lieberals that do that.

  3. They don’t answer because they don’t believe that they should be required to answer. The crisis in Canada is a moral one. So you swear an oath before a committee, but there are no consequences if you lie during your testimony. Why? Because none of them believe that there are eternal consequences to lying, and there will certainly be no temporal consequences in the present or immediate future. That is why they are so contemptuous. If a proven lie was met with immediate dismissal from office without any pension or personal benefits, the answers might be more relevant.

    The apple is rotten to the core and full of worms, and yet the Canadian public keeps biting into it.

  4. The Liberal Party’s dirty tricks squad is finally taking action with Blackie tanking in the polls. The Liberal Party’s CBC is excited at their website that Justin accused the Conservatives of being involved in foreign interference.

  5. If those memos were on Prime Minister Trudeau’s desk for 5 years!, then someone does not do a very good job of housekeeping and moving information along.

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