Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Desperate times call for desperate accusations.

In a dramatic turn at Canada’s foreign interference inquiry today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged that he possesses a list naming a number of past and present Conservative parliamentarians whom he claims are engaged in foreign interference.

Trudeau took aim at Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre’s decision not to seek top-level security clearance, suggesting that this amounted to a “willful” disregard of compromise threats within Poilievre’s party, which is poised to defeat Trudeau in an upcoming election, according to recent polls.

In an explosive cross-examination this afternoon, Conservative lawyer Nando De Luca pushed back, accusing Trudeau of irresponsible grandstanding.

The stunning testimony saw Trudeau assert earlier in the day:

“I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians, and or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged, or at high risk of, or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference.”

Trudeau added that he has “directed CSIS and others to try and inform the Conservative Party leader, to be warned, to be able to make decisions that protect the integrity of that party, of its members, from activities around foreign interference.”

Conservative Party lawyer Nando De Luca hit back, questioning Trudeau about whether he was aware of any Liberal politicians implicated in the same way.

Trudeau responded bluntly, “Yes,” and later pointed to “Don Valley North.”

“In your testimony earlier today, you mentioned knowing the names of past and present Conservative parliamentarians who are at risk of being compromised by foreign interference. Are you aware of any Liberal parliamentarians at risk?”

“Yes, and for other parties as well, because I have access to large amounts of information.”

Poilievre responds: “Release the names of all MPs that have collaborated with foreign interference.”

15 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. I don’t know if The Turd is bluffing or “outright lying”, and there’s no real way of knowing until he spills the tea, but his history has been of one who is “full of crap”
    If he has the names of Conservatives or other party members including the #Libranos who are tainted by this scandal, he should make an official announcement, and call upon those members to either resign or at a minimum, remove them from the #Librano caucus while demanding that P.P. remove his members tainted as well.

    So I doubt this statement from The Turd, and I haven’t been following enough to say much about the hearings, except that I’d believe Pierre Poilievre in the entirety of his comments to the media before I believed any single statement from The Turd


  2. and another thing, if IF the TURDeau had names, why would he allow traitors in parliament? because some of the traitors are his spring to mind.
    what a gawdawful stench coming for the PMO right now.

    1. This has the stench of Katie Telford all over it. It’s a desperate attempt to try to reverse the Liberals’ collapse in public support while blackmailing the NDP to behave themselves.

  3. “I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians, and or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are …”

    So it wasn’t Castro. It was McCarthy all along.

  4. re: “our chinese-installed government”
    sadly, seems Kate’s hyperbole is in fact, the hideous TRUTH. shyt shyt shyt. its *one thing* keeping all the skullduggery local, but this egregious betrayal *in the interests of a foreign nation* for me surpasses ALL his multitude of other unforgivable sins. and lm not afraid to say it l wish a whacko would do a jfk on him.

      1. I took a trip with a Quebecoise friend, back in 1979, who ran an import business, importing Romanian folk blouses. We spent a month driving hither and yon, to various communes where she made deals. We stayed at modest hotels, and every room had a picture of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. After seeing his picture every day, and on billboards, I started to like the guy. Mind you I gave away a few anticommunist books to dissidents we met. Anyways the power of propaganda is real.

  5. From Jody Wilson – Raybould Book and various articles.

    She says she’s mad at herself now for having once thought Trudeau is an “honest and good person, when, in truth, he would so casually lie to the public and then think he could get away with it.”

  6. LOL wanna bet slime stream media will be leading with Trudy’s assertion? If liberals had proof they would of leaked it to their media buddies along time ago.

  7. And now he claims Freedom Convoy was influenced by RUSSIA!!
    It served to distract attention from the invasion of Ukraine.
    You cannot make this up!
    h/t Sheila Gunn Reid on X

  8. The libranos think the foreign interference file has legs. It’s primarily about them but they think they can hang some of it on the conservatives and PP for not qualifying for security clearance. A lot of libranos have security clearance – it hasn’t affected them…

    PP might have made a tactical error in not complying. He’s starting to look like maybe he doesn’t care to know what is going on. Not good if the voting public feels the same

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