Tucker With “The High Priest Of Establishment Journalism”

Two hours with Mark Halperin, and it’s good, so grab a beverage or two.

Mark Halperin has better political sources than anyone in media. He now believes Donald Trump is likely to win. If that happens, Halperin predicts the psychological collapse of the Democratic Party — “greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

What price would you pay to serve your country? Would you sacrifice your career? Your reputation? Even your own freedom? Those who served in Donald Trump’s first administration were forced to face these questions in a very real way. Many paid a terrible price. It’s time to tell their stories.

10 Replies to “Tucker With “The High Priest Of Establishment Journalism””

  1. “greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

    As I said over at Blazing Cat Fur, I believe this is probably right. They’re already borderline, most of them. They will go completely full-retard crazy, and start looking for Salvation at the bottom of a bottle of chardonnay.

    And I have a big bowl popcorn all ready.

    1. I hope they all move to Canada as previously threatened. Don’t worry … you’re already 75% leftist majority in Canada … you’ll hardly notice this influx of more leftist mental patients. However these unhinged Americans tend to be old and white … so you might notice that.

    1. They will roll over if Trump hits them really, really hard, like prison time and confiscation of ill-gotten gains. A decade or two behind bars would certainly draw the attention of the guilty.

      1. He had an opportunity to do exactly this in his first term, but never did so. He even explicitly gave Hillary a free pass. What might lead you to believe the next four years will result in something different?

      2. In Trump’s first term, he had the second term to think about. This time around, he can never run for President again. If he wins, what’s to stop him from taking a vacation on this and many similar issues? He can’t be punished with an election loss after all.

  2. I can’t believe the State Dept will allow a Trump win, as a wiser man than I said “There are trillions at stake”.

  3. according to General Flynn there are at least a million chinese military inside the U.S. waiting for orders…….
    the entire U.S. military is only a million ….. never mind the 20 million illegal migrants, when does the trigger get pulled?

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