Troubled Times on Canada’s Left Coast

I’ve long said that I’m open to hearing about any alternative political system, as long as it doesn’t diminish the incentive to work hard. The moment I sense it does this, I’m out, because it’s doomed to failure.

The B.C. NDP Party has clearly never learned this simple lesson. The founder of Lululemon, Chip Wilson, recently wrote an op-ed about this:

The NDP’s hidden “wealth” taxes are so burdensome that these people, ready to risk again, don’t. The short-term tax on the successful kills the incentive for middle-class entrepreneurs in B.C.

If a flat tax for all were implemented, of the 30 failed entrepreneurs who are given the incentive to try again, five would succeed, creating businesses, employing thousands, and forming a strong tax base.

The NDP will, of course, find an academic — who has never run a business — to refute this.

12 Replies to “Troubled Times on Canada’s Left Coast”

  1. Saw an interesting post the other day regarding taxing the wealthy-

    If the US government confiscated 100% of the wealth of all US billionaires , it would fund the government for less than year and there would still be a $1.7 trillion deficit.

    Similar numbers for xanada, I assume.

    1. Correction: it would be WAY less than a year; indeed, it would probably be measured in mere weeks or even days

      That’s a great piece by Chip Wilson, BTW

      1. I saw Mara Gay in a video yesterday. The fact that she has proven to have worse math skills than a 13 year old and STILL has a job, proves the point that Promoting Failure Upward is a core tenet of the Left.

    2. Rush Limbaugh mentioned this frequently on his morning programs…. with the additional commentary that those top 1% of the wealthy, would then be broke and not hiring anyone to take the newly unemployed in a monetarily meaningful way.

      They’d be on welfare forever.

  2. Tom Mulcair to the rescue! This NDP relic writes weekly/biweekly some pos editorial at
    Every time he’s licking Blackie’s boots, adds some niceties for NDP of course and always-always spritzes all-over some anti-PP/Conservatives garbage.

  3. Unfortunately the typical conservative government is able to roll back only a handful of the previous socialist regime’s most blatant idiocies. It’s the reason why we still have rent controls in Manitoba. The reality is that most voters like all the free stuff purchased through exponentially rising borrowing.

    1. As Maggie Thatcher said “It is all fun and games until you run out of other people’s money!” In other words, one day, the world will stop lending to Canada, The United States, Great Britain and the rest of the Western democracies.

      My mantra is “Stop spending money which you do not have!”

  4. It really has been one of the greatest advantages of the Anglosphere: the ease and confidence in the system to set up a business. This is being eroded at a rate of knots. In Germany they used to joke how Microsoft could never have started there because you are not allowed to open a business in a garage that does not have a window.

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