4 Replies to “Har”

  1. but is it going to be enough given even some very brazen stuff loading the dice on the election; ie threats of lawsuits against those hesitant to rubber stamp results?

  2. It’s great to have a good laugh but, from where I’ve been sitting and watching all these years, I’m thinking any state that uses those electronic voting machines will be a lock for Kamala and not even “too big to steal” will work, is it possible that the cheat and win can be entirely done just with the machines? It seems like it would be too in your face and obvious but political in your face and obvious seems to be getting pretty common. Believe it or not I’m very afraid she may still be elected POTUS.

    1. From the bipartisanelection org- “Roughly 244 million Americans will be eligible to vote in 2024. The 2020 election saw record turnout of 66.6% of eligible voters. If we see turnout that high again, more than 162 million ballots will be cast..”

      Kamala will need more than Joe’s 81 million. Gonna be a record turnout for sure.

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