10 Replies to “BC Provincial Election Results”

  1. As of now CON’s winning seat count. NDP winning popular vote. So… will it be CON Minority government NDP / Green coalition?!?!? Glad BC Liberals are history.

  2. I’m not an expert at all on BC politics but I think in this situation with as close a finish as possible in any legislature, coupled with the “winning” party having to place someone in the Speakers chair, it isn’t a long lasting government and we should expect another election before the term is up. If the NDP takes it, they’ll need the Greens on board on every vote and it’ll be just as distasteful as the current federal situation with the #Libranos/NDP/Bloc

    At least a couple ridings will have automatic recounts, they’re within the margin without anyone having to petition for this.

  3. Commies 46
    Conservatives 45
    Greenies 2

    At 10:45 – crap – with help from the Greenies it looks like 4 more years of Marxist dickheads.

  4. // Glad BC Liberals are history. //

    They aren’t really. They weren’t Liberals any more than the Social Crediters were really
    social credit. [Rustad was a ‘”liberal”]
    They are all from the “anybody but the NDP” party [which is why the United Con leader. Falcon,
    collapsed so quickly].

    This looks much like the 2017 results.

  5. The thing I found interesting was that Global used a timeline feature on their software for the close ridings. Early polls showed steep differences in trends with definite correction points along the way. Here’s hoping that there was no algorithm hokey pokey.
    I’m all for hand counted paper ballots and waiting a little longer for results.

  6. As of now, it looks like an NDP minority government of 46 seats, 45 Conservative and 2 Greens. The Greens and NDP could form a coalition or the NDP plays to the greens (avoiding any non-confidence votes for a while) which isn’t much of a change given that their cabinet is crawling with greens.

  7. Well it was close, with 25 votes deciding which party held the most seats and another 40 odd votes denying the cons an outright victory.
    A curse on the heads of all the BC United scum who decided to defy their ex party leader and run as independents, and another on the heads of the asshats who voted for them. Congrats on throwing the NDP a lifeline.

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