I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords

Garbage in, garbage out.

We are building AI on the random sewage of the Internet crawl. AI builders can’t conceive of base models built on Reddit wars, Facebook comments and old Twitter Drive-by hot-takes as being problematic. I had the talks, “Brian you are crazy, data is data”.

Calories are calories, there are calories in sewage, most choose not to consume them (willingly 🤓).

But all corporate AI models are built on Internet Sewage (of course there are facts and history too, but low percentage). The ingredients label would show 99% sewage.

And just like the Y2K problem the technicians could not convince that this data, and how it reflected upon the essence of humanity would form a faulty foundation ultimately built on sand.

6 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. regarding y2k, at the time, l suggested a means of dealing with it by redesigning compilers esp cobol for instance, such that we could use hexadecimal notation for years. so 1997, 1998, 1999, next is 199A instead of the unavailable ‘2000’. it would *only* apply to the ‘singles digit’ (6 more years to get yer act together) and the compiler would generate the executable code necessary to then deal with the ‘we ran out of dates’ situation.
    it would of course only apply to date type variables, a temporary measure until the permanent ’64 bit’ solution was found.
    as usual the suggestion was immediately shot down by ‘experts’ who preferred to let everyone panic, then *they* would panic at the prospect of tracking down the original source code, and proceed to throw out perfectly good code otherwise,
    stubborn stubborn stubborn.
    meh. their loss . . . .

  2. and on the question of AI? l started out in IT in 1970 operating those massive $10,000,000 DEC 10s etc and acquired the usual degree.
    l hate and have ZERO faith in where this ‘AI’ is going to go. and the old argument about ‘technology, progress, ’tis a 2 edge sword’, well, we’re gonna see a LOT of the destructive harmful edge imho.

  3. In the hands of amoral goons, claiming not just the personal privilege of wealth of power, but all its institutions:


  4. The browser I use returns as its first item an AI summary:
    e.g. “Internet sewage”
    Internet Sewage Infrastructure
    The concept of “Internet sewage” refers to the integration of wastewater management systems with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This approach enables real-time monitoring and prediction of sewage flow, pressure, and quality, allowing for more effective maintenance, reduced costs, and improved environmental outcomes.

    Smart Sewers
    Several initiatives have demonstrated the potential of IoT-enabled sewage systems. For example, South Bend, Indiana’s sewer system uses sensors to monitor flow and divert water to prevent flooding, while the UK’s sewerage network is exploring the use of IoT technology for real-time prediction of flooding and asset performance analysis.

  5. I’m more concerned about AI being made in the image of its creators. For an example, watch the Star Trek TOS episode “The Ultimate Computer”.

    When the intelligence is trained to emulate neurotic, unstable personalities, it doesn’t have much of a chance to be anything else. Why do you think most of the AI chats will only give answers from a California Silicon Valley/ Bay Area perspective?

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