“Mayor Jyoti Gondek” Is Not A Character In A Tim Burton Movie

But she should be.

The company Calgary ordered its electric buses from for a pilot project has gone tits up without delivering a single bus after years of waiting.

A comms flack from the mayor’s office has finally addressed the issue somewhat by saying the city dropped the contact with Vicinity “earlier this year” when it realized the buses are never coming. Earlier this year is a way to sugarcoat saying a few weeks ago. At the end of August even, the city website still just said it was waiting for Vicinity to deliver despite some “supply chain” issues.

On the bright side, the city says they never gave any money to Vicinity.

On the downside, the city spent a lot to build charging stations for buses that don’t exist. They haven’t disclosed how much has been lost there.

Further, the city is saying it is sourcing more electric buses for a pilot despite the first pilot being a total failure.

11 Replies to ““Mayor Jyoti Gondek” Is Not A Character In A Tim Burton Movie”

  1. Earlier this year, GoneBitch said it was council’s obligation to properly take care of the public purse. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a clue what that means.

  2. It seems to me its pretty cheap to look at what other cities have done, where there are failures and successes.
    The stupidity of Gang Green and their cultish rush to “save the planet” is absurd and will be historically viewed as nothing short of ignorant madness.
    Aesop’s fable, the Tortoise and the Hare, seems sort of comparable.
    The Green rabbit doesn’t have a nap, its mentally unsound and takes some prescription drugs, washed down with red wine and followed by a dispensary cannon.

    1. Yup. You’d be hard-pressed to find public transit stories that top Ottawa’s for generational incompetence and stupidity. And the press just keeps sweeping up the cat-turds instead of calling for heads to roll.

    2. Well, First off GoneDyKe was Installed to do precisely this. Not one person I know in Calgary had ever even heard of this BITCH prior to our last Municipal election)…as were NUMEROUS other Big City mayors across this country. CHOW.??

      To a women (real & imagined), they are ALL part of the HOAX-SCAM of supposed man made climate change. Their modus operandi is twofold: Scream to the Heavens that the Earth is Burning up – using that to Rape the City’s Finances via Purchasing shit that will NEVER Work.

      They know damned well these things are useless…and very Flammable.
      I’d like to know who got their paws greased..?

  3. On the bright side, the city says they never gave any money to Vicinity.

    Horse shit. A contract of this magnitude does not get executed without progress billings. You don’t just show up one day w/ a passel of completed electric buses & ask for the entire amount of the contract.

  4. In a province that necessarily relies on NG for electricity, no mater how many bird choppers and solar farms it subsidizes, battery buses don’t make sense even if they worked which they don’t. This is what happens when the Eloi elect Jacobins and Bolsheviks pimping the green theocracy hysteria. Declaring a “climate emergency’, suing “Big Oil”, enacting fascist “Tree Bylaws”, bicycle lanes, mythical recycling, engaging in federal and provincial areas of responsibility, while making housing as expensive as they can with central planning and adopting every energy obsessed building code expense they get handed. Most local politicians aren’t competent to write a 200 word paragraph describing the workings of their water, sewer, or garbage systems and yet they run on saving the planet, social work, or some other virtue-signaling trope.

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