20 Replies to “All The Best Shrinks Agree”

    1. You’re going to care if these freaks get their hooks in a niece or nephew. I know of two (2) in the extended Phantom family sphere.

      Got relatives with kids in school? This is what they’re pushing in school. Just like Covid. Remember that?

      1. They should never have removed the stigma from mental illness….. never.
        The only way an individual truly loves themselves is embracing their struggle they felt …. alone .
        The respect and compassion they receive from others only comes from people who know, it’s rare but real.

  1. You do not need to understand someone else’s pronouns or make judgments about them in
    order to respect them as a person. No one owes anyone else an explanation about their
    pronouns and why they’ve chosen them. (Minnesota Dept. of Health)

    In order to respect someone as a person, they must earn that respect. Part of the process is determining their mental acuity, their stability, and their grasp of reality. In other words, you are making judgments constantly in determination of whether respect is warranted. I believe these two simple sentences in the MDH’s offering highlight that they are incorrect….dangerously so.

    Finally, they are correct on one thing. “No one owes anyone else an explanation about their
    pronouns and why they’ve chosen them.” However, the mistake is that they are referring to the incorrect person in determination of pronouns. It is the decision of the individual addressing another. It is not the decision of the individual being addressed. And, I would add that the use of pronouns by that third party is, also, an opportunity and necessity to form judgments as to how they use them.

    Carry on.

  2. Given the hard push presently, I’m calling this the last year Trans shows up as a political issue. They’re going to lose -so- hard in the USA that Canada will come following along behind.

    Presently, next five years, there will be revealed an entire network of perverts involved in this who will all go to jail.

    The worm has already turned, and it turned in 2020 with Covid. According to Dune, it takes a little while for the sand worm to make a full 180. Watch for the big open mouth coming to scoop them all up.

  3. Accommodating someones mental delusions will totally make them better.

    Or exacerbate and prolong a lifetime of suffering.

    “First do no harm” indeed.

  4. Why do trans people want to kill themselves? They are nuts to start with. I suspect that has a bigger impact than whether they are treated one way or another by other people. Half of trans wanting to kill themselves each year is an integral part of the problem. It is not the result of anything. Suicide can be a call for attention just like cutting your dick off. Shrink the head, not the dick.

  5. Personally, I plan to never learn or use weird new pronouns. After all, one does not even need to talk to weird people.

    Actually, I am totally bored with the topic, EXCEPT, leave my grandchildren alone! Back to basics in schools. I hope than they will NEVER become activists.

  6. I have been lucky I guess to not have encountered a person gender challenged. (This also aligns with my theory that the trans community gets WAY more press and attention it deserves).

    Anyway…when that day comes ignore will be my response. Yes I want fries with that. Zero other interaction. oh..you are a coworker? The very minimal conversation and ignore will be the norm.

    You will never earn my respect to agree to your view. Mine is 2 genders. You do not respect that. So guess i will respectfully ignore you.

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