Atlas Shrugs Again

If you want to make a start in avoiding the shutdown of an entire power grid, maybe government officials could stop referring to each other as comrade. Then there might be some light at the end of the tunnel.

The electricity went out Friday in Cuba, affecting the entire island’s population of 10 million after one of its main power plants failed, according to Cuba’s energy ministry.

On Thursday night, [the Cuban government] announced schools would close and most state workers would stay home Friday in an effort to conserve energy. But it wasn’t enough and by 11 a.m. Friday, Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric, the largest power plant, went offline causing a grid failure.

18 Replies to “Atlas Shrugs Again”

  1. LMAO…I had no idea the major power plant in Cuba was named after the psychopath, Antonio Guiteras. Even the flat out Communists thought Guiteras was much too violent.

  2. Hey, there, “first world,” …Testing 1, 2 3…
    Happy to be gridlocked yet?
    Don’t forget to register to vote.
    And, hey, have yourself a nice latter day!

  3. We befriended a family down there that were lucky if they had power for more than 6 hours a day over the past several months. Anyone that managed to squirrel away food in their fridge to hold them over until meager rations finally arrived…late…now have nothing. Running water to most homes was hit and miss since mid summer and non existent since Friday. Shit’ll be getting real over the coming week, since it’s likely there won’t be any power.

    1. How entrenched are the people down there in just accepting these conditions on the long term? Are we, perhaps, looking at a regime change in the not too distant future?

      If so, that would put Iran, Cuba, and believe it or not, China on a teetering fence type status.

  4. If I’m ever in the market for a 1956 Buick … I’m going to Cuba. Hopefully … my local PG&E power plant is somewhat newer …

    1. I was going to suggest that turdo could send Lizzy May down there in the capacity of Energy Advisor, but it’s pretty obvious the Cubans already have her occupying that position.

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