Best Medical System In The World

Your doctor may be dumb as a post but at least he’s(she’s) not white(or Asian).

National Post- At TMU medical school, some students are more equal than others

Toronto Metropolitan University, will reserve 75 per cent of its seats for Indigenous, Black, and other “equity-deserving” groups including 2SLGBTQ+. These students will need an undergraduate GPA of only 3.3 on a 4-point scale, and maybe not even that; for comparison, the University of Toronto medical school’s average accepted GPA is 3.95. Able-bodied straight white students can’t apply for these seats. It’s TMU’s affirmative action school for doctors who can’t get in on their merits. Canada now has full-blown racial and gender discrimination. How did we get here? The Supreme Court of Canada is largely to blame.

32 Replies to “Best Medical System In The World”

  1. In Yer Face Anti White RACISM.

    Just another facet of “frankly, we will replace them“. Euro Centrics being the target of most Western Hemisphere WEF owned Govts.

    Wholly Sanctioned by Liberals/NDP – Democrats – Eu Social Democrats etc. (NAZI’s)

  2. Don’t be white cis gendered, especially male, and get sick. The wrath that these doctors will unleash onto you to make up for all of the sins of your colonizer ancestors will kill you. And it will be done half on purpose and half out on willful incompetence. Don’t believe me? A significant percentage of people die from medical errors every year and that’s with competent doctors. Now add incompetence with hate anger and vengeance in a system where you have no choice gets you to a point where your life is at risk. The Marxists have finally taken over the sciences. Wait until they build you bridges and high rises. Jordan Peterson predicted this but it was easy to see. Next stop reeducation camps and struggle sessions.

  3. I worked with a guy who was always super offended when folks would seek him out because he was Chinese. What’s the problem, I would ask? Well, he thought it was incredibly racist, and I told him that might be true, but these people were basing their choices on knowledge that Asians work and study hard. Just imagine, I would joke, if your last name was Cohen, you would be rockstar. He didn’t think was funny either.

  4. Devils advocate: someone there is so full proficient in theory they’ve come to the conclusion any monkey can do this; sell drugs etc. Yet no one has made a monkey school of medicine. Today someone has acquiesced and took on the role of training monkeys to write prescriptions.

    Now we’ll find out why monkeys don’t yet have thriving civilizations.

    Summary: someone thought planet of the apes was a true story.

  5. After a couple of generations of putting our weakest, stupidest, and unscrupulous people in positions of power…including at the very top – is any one here surprised?

  6. Try to get out of the subway at Union Station in the weekday mornings and all you get are piles of East Indians piling on wearing their backpacks and refusing to let the passengers off and they will shove their forearm in your face to get on. Where are they all headed to? Toronto Metropolitan University.

    What happens when you complain to the Toronto Transit Commission and to the Toronto Police Service about this daily occurrence? They both tell Canadians to find another route so you can avoid the throngs foreign students.

    1. Somebody –anybody– shoves their arm in front of my face is gonna get said arm ripped off & beaten w/ the wet end…

  7. Well … so long as my Doctor still … “looks like me”. Oh wait. There won’t be any white male Doctors anymore. Looks like I will be self-healing until the day I die. You know, just like the indigenous natives do what with all their “herbal” remedies.

  8. Liberal racists own the Supreme Court besides all the other Star Chambers in this place, every tribunal etc.

    That’s why if non-leftists ever get elected here again, and that’s doubtful, they would have just about one chance to save this place.

    We might have a conservative party that could throw that Hail Mary pass to a future of freedom and prosperity, but half of them are probably chickenshits…

  9. If it hadn’t been for medical student Alan Bakke taking on Affirmative Action and racial quotas in the 70s, White Americans would not know that Whites were being discriminated against in higher education. Even so, it took until 2023 for SCOTUS to definitively rule Affirmative Action unconstitutional. For all these years White Americans have been denied equal protection under the law because of skin color. I call this big time Systemic Racism to protect the unqualified browns. Affirmative Action and racial quotas created ongoing Systemic Racism against Whites for over 50 years. Good luck explaining this to PWW – Progressive White Women who are the scurge of Western Civilization.

  10. In a less dramatic way, Trudeau’s Canada is resembling Kurt Vonnegut’s dystopian satire “Harrison Bergeron”. A story of government imposed equality and equity…

    “The story is set in the United States in 2081. True equality has finally been achieved: nobody is allowed to be stronger, more beautiful, or more intelligent than anyone else, so people who are deemed to have an unfair advantage are required by law to use ‘handicaps’ which limit their powers or talents.”

    In Trudeau’s Canada, they don’t use physical handicaps to impose equity, they use legislation and demonization to handicap those who are deemed (by progressives) to have an unfair advantage.

  11. One used to be able to shame proponents of the racism of lowered expectations by asking if they were OK with having surgery from a brain surgeon from the bottom of their class. For the Supremes, who are eligible for taxpayer-funded private health care, CRT is so much more “edgy and progressive”. As Thomas Sowell has described CRT, It’s “racism under new management”.

  12. Wait until the government assigns you your mandatory `transgender doctor’ who send you to the government’s mandatory transgender sex classes telling you you have to date and have sex with `transgender people’ even though you are happily married to someone of the other binary sex, unless you have the one exemption from it by a signed letter from the imam in your mosque.

  13. The best part is all you suckers will be paying for their malpractice insurance in a decade’s time when their patients are dropping dead from their incompetence

  14. The only way through this crisis is to get Eleventeen More COVID Jabs to boost your immunity and top it off with Thirty Seven Monkeypox jabs.

    1. Well at least that will relieve some of the pressure on healthcare workers to push Old Stock Canadians to sign up for the government’s MAiD program! 🙁

  15. Pro tip: My experience with Nigerian MD’s, first educated in the UK, has, so far, been pretty good. With that said, they’re still MDs, but they seemed to have some bed side manner and some communication skills.

  16. Always pick the white male or Asian male doctors.
    Encourage liberals to use the diversity hire doctors, leave the merit based ones for us.

  17. “Black, and other “equity-deserving” groups including 2SLGBTQ+. ”

    So little-blackface-Joostaihn-squat-to-pee could theoretically end up with two medical degrees.

    Scary, eh?

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