5 Replies to “Interesting Conspiracy Theory”

    1. l could never ‘get’ why the unvaccinated wer such a threat.
      IF youre vaccinated wtf do you care the status of say if its measles?
      if the vaccine is solid then you dont get measles.
      if your vaccinated you dont infect them.
      why such supreme concern about the unvaccinated infecting the unvaccinated?
      lOOk at what played out.

      1. The unvaccinated are such a threat because they don’t comply. It is no longer a simple difference in political views. If you disagree, they want you dead. The elections in the U.S. and Canada are pivotal. While change in government will not be nirvana, failure will result in full implementation of the cultural revolution. After experiencing another TDS episode today, where they openly declare disappointment Trump survived the assassination attempts, I realize the rest are only hiding their true thoughts. The thin veneer that we live in a civilized country with rule law and constitutional rights has been ripped away . No one should doubt that after the last 5 years,but many do.

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