16 Replies to “Is Canada Doomed to Follow the UK Down the Drain?”

  1. The electorates of the Western World are just like NASCAR vehicles: forever turning left on tracks of decreasing radii.

  2. It’s the great leveling. You colonizers must be brought down to the living standards of the third world. Did you know that labor costs, in Mexico are now less than in Asia, $3.90 an hour all in, per Patrick Bet David.

  3. 85% Canadians are low IQ and did this by alternatively voting for Libs/NDP then fake conservatives CPC then repeat again. Unprincipled morons. Enjoy now

  4. “UK is dystopian and I’m going to leave.”
    Where are you going to go? The entire West is on a dystopian path.
    Even in the USA, half of the voters avidly embrace it.

    1. I follow on X a white guy from Pretoria South Africa (@k9_reaper) whose description reads: “Just a man – trying to stop the collapse of South Africa whilst documenting it’s decline | #NoExfil | it’s all a psyop | Patriot” He posts pics of the results of crimes, getting steadily worse. Although he’s not ready to leave, he must think about it daily but where to go is the question, isn’t it?

  5. Canada has led the way with the toxic policies of mass immigration, multiculturalism and “hate crimes”. It’s well ahead on all of these, not following anyone, and picking up pace on the descent.

  6. All we need in every Western Country is a 50-year moratorium on any kind of immigration except for the absolute most dire needed immigrants and they should be in very low numbers anyways.
    Everything, absolutely everything is about immigration. We need to end it down to zero immediately. If there is no one there coming into the country saying that they will take a job for less than what the rate is for a Canadian, we will no longer have any problems in this country.

  7. L – Getting out while you still can… , as for Canada Sovereignty Association would deprive
    Ottawa of arbitrary power and capricious government, something our ancestors regarded
    as tyranny. Provincial and municipal government can be brought to heel; but that of the
    Federal government goes deeper, and much of the law is made by 9 oligarchs of power.

    No political party in provincial nor federal, with one exception, is running on freedom of
    speech for doctors, nurses and medical researchers. Their minds are still locked down.

  8. Per today’s “Coffee with Scott Adams”, he thinks that the pieces are in place for a golden age to come, providing the Unity team prevails.

    1. We witnessed the end of a “Golden Age” with 9/11 and the institution of the security and Intel agencies pointing inward, against us, and the manipulation of global economy and mass migration in order to wipe out western standards of living. In that time, Brexit and Trump have reminded those of us who still value notions of limited government and God-given rights how far we have slid into tyranny.

      Remember, it took total war and the annihilation of the Notsees for us to enter into a 50-60 year period of prosperity. Unfortunately the same never happened to the communists, and even the word lost whatever stigma it had, unlike the aforementioned Notsee – they’ve taken the long march and here we stand, on our back foot, in danger of entering a truly dark era.

      The point being, I don’t think we can enter another golden age via the ballot box, not when so many in government, media, and public embrace tyranny. They’re going to need to be dealt with in a way that identifies them with the same level of repulsion that discourages the next few generations from associating themselves with it. Interpret that whatever way you want, but know that the people who are driving us over the cliff have been relentless in attacking every aspect of our lives and have demonstrated they don’t care about rule of law, rights, and everything else that allowed us to flourish.

  9. Hmmm, my comment on this post disappeared, in fact never loaded. Can’t think what bad word I used – “globalist” perhaps. Perhaps the censor doesn’t appreciate erudition.

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