Don’t Even Think About It

Reason- British Man Convicted of Criminal Charges for Praying Silently Near Abortion Clinic

This month, a British man was convicted of criminal charges for praying silently near an abortion clinic. The man, Adam Smith-Connor did not attempt to harass, intimidate, or interact in any way with those entering the clinic. Instead, he wordlessly prayed with his head bowed slightly. He wasn’t even on clinic property—he was outside the sightline of the clinic itself, according to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a religious freedom group.

17 Replies to “Don’t Even Think About It”

  1. If he didn’t admit to praying (never talk to police), what they had on him was that he bowed his head and clasped his hands together. To be a crime, the Crown would need to show beyond a reasonable doubt that he was in fact praying. How does a judge or jury determine beyond a reasonable double what is going on in one’s mind? Maybe in the UK merely giving the appearance of praying is criminal behaviour. Evil.

  2. The Turd has plans to make this look very moderate. If his internet censorship bills pass, the government will have the power to charge and convict you based on their suspicion that you will commit a hate crime at some point in the future.

  3. “……he didn’t kneel on a mat and face Mecca when he prayed.”

    I’m pretty sure that Canadian police know full well that Muslims will never interfere with “W” peoples aborting themselves. Otherwise you’d be 100% correct.

  4. Well you know love is hate, war is peace, etc. I am sure he was taken to room 101 to straighten his thinking. 2024 is 1984 on airstrip one I guess.

  5. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20

    1. @Warren Zoell

      As true a statement as any.

      I’m reminded of the quote “War is Hell” another truth by someone who had lived though “Hell”. Then I’m reminded of the subhuman demons who glorify hell, even posting grotesque video & images of this hell suffering for their enjoyment to share with those that don’t seek it.

      “….that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” – Indeed

    1. I wonder how the British would feel about guys with megaphones, a 30ft banner featuring dead babies and the 24/7/365 prayer circle that greets all visitors to planned parenthood’s bomb proof, razor wire wrapped “women’s health center” near me.

  6. Lemme say this ‘bout that.

    The constitution of the socialist country run by communists was in more respects than not like American.

    To prperly adjust for socialism and communists there was this one word that modifies everything stated prior.
    The most destructive word anywhere is employed by the totalitarians, socialists, communists and dicktators (sis), everywhere.
    It negates everything whatsoever was said before it.

  7. Christians thrown into the lions den … now … just as was done thousands of years ago. It seems that belief in the Prince of Peace … the Son of God … is something that still frightens the godless heathens.

    It’s a crime to abort a dog’s litter of puppies. But just a “choice” to abort a human baby. If you can make sense of that … you’re a godless heathen

  8. It’s happened in the US too. You can “peacefully” protest, burn down the city but don’t go praying at the site of thousands of deaths.

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