24 Replies to “Gradually, Then Suddenly”

  1. Target? Didn’t they go all in with celebrating Pride Month? That certainly didn’t help their popularity with a big chunk of the Normies. I was never a big Target shopper, but I haven’t been back since. Get woke, go broke.

  2. Isn’t that the idea of the Trudeau and Harris governments?

    Reminds me of the Monty Python ballad Dennis Moore, which I’ve adapted slightly to bring it up to date.

    Justa Turd, Justa Turd
    Riding through the land
    Justa Turd, Justa Turd
    without a merry band
    He steals from the poor
    And gives to the rich
    Stupid bitch.

    Kami Harris, Kami Harris
    Flying though the night
    Kami Harris, Kami Harris
    with no joy in sight
    she steals from the poor
    And gives to the rich
    Stupid c*nt

  3. But, but, but … the US stock markets are at RECORD HIGHS!!! … yes … the rich get richer … and you will own NOTHING … and be happy … or else.

  4. Relax,
    There may be another reason.
    Maybe people are tired of buying plastic crap, primarily.
    Yes, life is more expensive, but why would you not start by cutting out the redundant crap?
    If people are “running out of money” because they continue to waste money, then tough titty.
    Wake up and spend your money on what counts, like food.
    Then, don’t go to big box to buy plastic crap for halloween.
    Oh, and kill your ‘smart’ phone. I did, and I feel fine.

    1. I wish people were that smart. They will give up food before they surrender their phones. Ever notice how homeless people all have phones?

        1. Harris wants to spend more money. She plans to pay for her promises by canceling the Trump tax cuts, increasing taxes on the rich and increasing corporate taxes. Is such a plan inflationary and how will it help business? How can you put money in consumer’s pockets by increasing taxes? But let’s focus on Trump’s inflationary tariffs.

          JD Vance was talking about toasters and why they couldn’t be made in the USA. Why not, he asked? A $30 toaster might cost $32 or less than 10% more, a decent price to pay for making it in the USA he argued. Some Democrat fact-checker came up with a $250 cost for a toaster if made in the USA. The question then, is not “tariffs” but how do you make toasters in the USA that do not cost $250? Tariffs can help on the supply side by discouraging foreign countries from dumping their products, but it doesn’t address the issue of manufacturing. The argument that tariffs set up a demand from the consumer just doesn’t make sense. They end up paying the higher cost. So make fun of tariffs (part of the solution) but say nothing about tax increases or the high cost of doing business in the USA (the reasons why toasters can’t be made in the USA in the first place).

          1. Toasters are a poor example. As someone pointed out on SDA a few weeks ago, the US still makes a surprising number of toasters at reasonable prices.

            I checked my own kitchen. I have a four year old stainless steel Cuisinart. ~$30. Made in the USA

    1. Price of beef tallow about to go way up. That’s one instance of inflation you can blame on trump/rfk.

      The stuff from good clean trimmings is expensive. Most people are going to be getting buckets of rendered diseased carcass.

      1. Actually we can also blame much of the previous bout of inflation on Trump as well. He oversaw a massive increase in spending, debt, tariffs, and money supply after all.

        1. Hahahaha … what you meant to say was … Chyyyyynah virus. aka COVID. aka Wuhan Lab leak. aka Fauxci illegal gain of function bioweapon secretly developed in Communist Chyyyyynah. aka the FINAL “insurance policy”.

      2. “Price of beef tallow about to go way up. That’s one instance of inflation you can blame on trump/rfk.”
        Not following, please expand on this and show your work.

        1. I work at a grocery store. We’ve had a dozen requests for beef tallow since Trump went to mcdonalds. We got an email last night from corporate listing all the beef tallow options we could order. All out of stock.
          meat counter manager says he’s had maybe two people looking for tallow in 20 years, until sunday. It’s the latest health food craze.

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