Some Are More Equal Than Others

Back of the bus Whitey.

National Post- Canadians have constitutional right to unequal treatment, new report argues

“Canadians have been sold a bill of goods,” Bruce Pardy, the author of the report and a Queen’s University law professor, told National Post by email. “Many of them think that they have a right to equal treatment under the law. They think that discrimination is illegal. But nothing could be further from the truth. In Canada, discrimination is lawful as long as it is committed against the right groups — and in particular against straight white men.

27 Replies to “Some Are More Equal Than Others”

  1. Trudeau’s Charter incorporated group and positive rights which can only exist as an abrogation of individual and natural rights. This intentionally enhanced the politics of envy, resentment, and hatred as well as being a subset of identity politics. “Rights” and “entitlements” can be created and dispensed from parliament or the SCOC on a whim. It’s the constitutional equivalent to the free-stuff voting that eventually socially cannibalizes, bankrupts and destroys all democracies.

  2. When I was in the navy I till 1977 I was considered a 5th class citizen.
    Because I was in the military that automatically made me second class and then I was a Single, White, Male, Anglo.
    I guess today because I’m not lgbt++++++ would make me 6th class.

  3. Even the United States, with a constitution that explicitly guarantees equality before the law, routinely gets broadsided by affirmative action programs. But at least in the US lawsuits against such programs have a good chance of success. Not so in collectivist Canada.

    As another example of genetic favoritism: special hunting and fishing regulations for those holding a Metis status card in Manitoba. I know of someone who went ice fishing and caught so many fish that they had to phone up a Metis friend to come out to the lake and claim the excess fish as his own.

    1. A herd of 40 elk was eating my hay bales. I asked an Indian acquaintance if he wanted to shoot a big pile of them. He replied, “I am not sure a person should be eating them, what with BSE and all.”

  4. Phew! Well at least now I know all the people suffering governmentally decreed discrimination … “look like me” … Right?

    1. Max couldn’t fix it, because the Trudeau Charter that was inflicted upon us is impossible to amend.

      Section 15(2) protects all of these racist and sexist programs as long as they are to the benefit of someone who looks like someone who was discriminated against in the past.

      1. OIC.
        I am so tired of folk who watch liberals go hog wild on us, and say nobody can ever do anything about it.
        I fckuing hate liberals, and you’re one of them.

        1. So explain how exactly you intend to get 7 out of 10 provinces representing 50 percent of the population to accept the striking of 15(2)?

          Hate me all you want, call me names, but until you can articulate a way to get to that threshold, what good are your words?

          1. Just pass a law, prosecute it vigorously and ignore 15(2), you know, like the liberals do all the fckuing time.
            Or make an OIC., or 10, that all add up to the same thing.
            You are clearly a Harper-style “incremental conservative” which is just another word for liberal.

      2. The SCOC had no problem making changes. The Delwyn Vrend insubordination turned special rights for alphabetties case being one occasion.

    1. I’m old enough to remember the Bakke decision by the Supreme Court in the USA that said affirmative-action selection of college student is illegal. Seems a lifetime ago. Well … certainly a ‘James Dean” lifetime … but not quite a ‘Keith Richards’ lifetime …

      1. Some little-known Rock n’ Roll history.

        Keith Richards and Moses were best buds. They used to hang out together all the time.

        One day. Keith and Moses were were just chillin’ watching them work on the pyramids. Moses said, “Hey
        K (Moses always called Keith ‘K’). I’ll bet you can’t walk like one of those Egyptians.”

        Well, Keith stood up and started to imitate their walk, when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Keith said, “Hey Big Mo (Keith always called Moses ‘Big Mo’). I think there’s a song somewhere in this for the next album, when they get around to inventing albums.”

        Keith right quick wrote down some lyrics and was humming a rough tune, but nothing much came of it. Then, several thousand years later, when Keith was middle-aged, his lyrics were discovered and translated from the original hieroglyphics. Some group called The Bangles did a cover of Keith’s song and it became a huge hit.

        And now you know… the rrrrrest of the story.

  5. That’s OK, article one and its “reasonable limits” ensures all the rest of those so called rights are just BS anytime the government decides you’ve had enough rights and now it’s time for you to STFU and do as you’re told.

  6. I’ll repeat what I said in an earlier thread: “And in other news…”
    If anybody is wondering why I’m leaving SK, there it is. Regina is just as woke as the underlings back east.
    Alberta may not be any different, but I’m betting that it isn’t as bad. Maybe I’m wrong, but life here stinks, not being able to find work. That I know for a fact. Living here may as well be a prison sentence.

  7. There is no practical way to address the inherent lies of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
    Now we know for sure that you have none of those detailed rights or freedoms if your government declares an emergency.
    Now government declaring “An Emergency” is their admission that they have failed to carry out their duties and are now in a State of Panic..
    And ignorant arrogant twits are in a perpetual state of panic.
    Thus Canadians have had neither individual rights ,Freedoms or legal protection from the excesses of our government minions since 1968.
    When Trudeau 1 ,aka Pierre Le Idiot ,stole our rights and freedoms as British Freemen.
    All our politicians have been lying.

    Now a reasonable man might think that Rights a Government Cannot Abridge,might be essential when Government Panics…Like they did in their Dread Covid Theatre..

    We must exit Can Ahh Duh,forming an Independent Western Nation.
    We can tell our Eastern Comrades to pay their own debts.
    And invite them to choke on their Phoney Charter.
    While writing ourselves a better constitution limiting Government to a dull roar.

    When we have lost equality before the Law,we have no law.
    Killdozerman was just a few months ahead of us.
    And in Can Ahh Duh..Truth is not a defence when you are dragged before a “Human Rights” Court.
    The very definition of violating ones Rights and Freedoms.

    And every Liberal,Red Tory and NDP supporter is responsible for this land being turned into a corrupt shithole.
    Over 60% of Canadians who vote,vote for
    Free Stuff” and Bigger Government.

    1. 100% correct, JR. – “And every Liberal,Red Tory and NDP supporter is responsible for this land being turned into a corrupt shithole.”

      And there is no remedy for this as far as I can see.
      The SCourt is not going to fix it.

  8. What happens when everyone declares themselves to be of “First Nation” ancestory ?

    Clearly if you can return to your birth or moment of conception to change your gender, you can extend that a bit more and go back a few generations to declare you are a Mohawk, for example.

    It’s just at the point of relativeness that needs a bit of nuance. It’ll be a hoot when all the doctor spaces in medical schools are taken by people who have no business being there. Or if you need a fire at your house put out and you specifically request “the best firemen” instead of “a diverse selection of firepeople”

    *I’ve been saying for years that the Constitution of Canada is a piece of crap and unable to even deliver basic democracy, and now the SCOC is set to prove it to you…

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