11 Replies to “The Progess Party (Liberals) failed to get back to me”

  1. We’ll bring new life into the Economy and provide Secure Careers


    Raising Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Royalty Rates by 10%
    Raising Potash Royalty Rates by 10%
    Replacing the PST with a Carbon Tax on Emitters by 2028

    Because everyone knows you create job opportunties by taxing the crap out of the existing successful industries.

  2. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m thinking that no matter how much Canada taxes hydrocarbons and CO2 emissions, Canada is not going to Save The Planet®.

  3. Because parents have no rights, and Saskatchewan needs more EVs. Got it. SK needs more EVs about as much as we need more of them here in Wyoming. I recently read an article documenting how citizens of our state drive more miles annually than those of any other, which makes EVs de facto useless here.

    1. Not only the mileage, roaddog, but it’s been known to get brutally cold in Montana. Like, every Winter. EVs do not like the cold.

  4. I’ve lived in SK for over a year now. I’m debating whether or not I should vote in the upcoming election…
    a) because I don’t know nearly enough about SK politics to feel comfortable making an informed choice (although my instincts tell me that I should vote for the Sask party, I would like to know more about the Buffalo party).
    b) (and it’s a pretty big “B)”, I bought a house in Alberta and plan to move as early as January, so what’s the point?

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