33 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. Never mind Trudeau. Fire the insolent viper now. Defund the CBC, Fire all its staff and liquidate the assets. No more gravy train at the public’s expense.

  2. I actually agree with her on this one. She has no duty to decline money coming her way. She has no duty to prostrate herself to the public. Even if she is incompetent.

    The people to blame are the people that hired her, and the people that decided her compensation.

    The fact that she said yes to her ridiculous contract, that is neither here nor there. There is nothing wrong with saying yes when people want to throw money at you. The people throwing the money are the ones to blame.

    1. “There is nothing wrong with saying yes when people want to throw money at you.”

      Who said that? Was it Joostaihn taking money from CNIB, or Craig Kielberger?

    2. Unfortunately, I’d have to agree. There are contractual obligations to consider. Don’t blame Tait. Blame the people that hired her.

      1. Fook that, scf and fc, or whoever your letters may be.
        Tait should have a duty to decline money coming her way if she had a conscience.
        Don’t blame Tait. HA HA HA.
        Right. She is just a poor cipher for the real ones to blame?!
        Wake up fools. GAWD!

      2. You and scf are correct. Contract obligations must be fulfilled in any country ruled by law. If there is fault it lies with those who gave Tait her contract and who appointed the Board of the CBC. That’s the existing federal government. Every single one of them is a Justatwit appointment for a five-year term.

  3. “Nobody told me I was supposed to increase the ratings. First I’ve ever heard about that. I thought I was doing my job splendidly since Justin seemed to approve. I deserve a bonus for my exceptional work.”

    Yeah. It’s a piece of work alright.

    1. She spent her time praising Justin Trudeau and his policies, while trashing conservatives.

      From a Liberal perspective that was job one.

      1. She has … experts … who prescribe executive compensation. Experts. And God knows what Experts have done to our countries.

      2. It will say what all cbc contracts say. Address compensation, term, bonus, firing – all the usual things and it will be honoured. These things are agreed to before the applicant even starts the job.

  4. Off topic, but can’t wait for Readers’ tips.
    Liberal majority in NB!
    I don’t know why NB’ers rejected Blain Higgs so dramatically. It looked like NB was doing well… Improving economy, and health care.
    So what turned NB’rs off on Higgs? Was it because of his pronoun policy in public schools? If so, I can and will say to NB’ers that you’re going to get what you voted for… BIGLY!

    btw… this is not good news for Scott Moe.

    1. 6 consecutive surplus in New Brunswick, but as everyone knows a liberal cannot function unless they financially up against the wall. Good luck you are in for some tough times or did you think someone else was going to pay for these hollow promises

  5. Never mind all that. Who died that witch’s hair? Will a house drop on her when she leaves? We’re not in Kansas anymore.

      1. With big black oversized … ironic … glasses. The only thing missing is a strip of white athletic tape holding them together at the bridge of the nose. She plays the role of victim nerd … perfectly.

  6. “Whereas total ad revenues are down, digital ad revenues are up.
    Since the beginning of my tenure, mumble, digital ad revenue was about $38 million,
    this last year it clocked in at about $100 million, so I think it’s important we have
    accurate descriptors of what’s going on at CBC /Rahdyo Canada”

    Plain english descriptor :
    This sinecure was structured by experts to oversee the transition of CBC/RahdyoCanada
    from a failng $Billion per annum obsolete media platform, to a flailing digital platform.

    The success of failure to increase total ad revenue,, even with increased digital revenue,
    deserves whatever bonus was envisioned by government experts for doing so.

    A minor point, perhaps, is that given access to the talent available from a $Billion media enterprise,
    and the need for one to be seen as representing Canadian media from a fabulous $1Million per
    1000 night hotel suite, the Makeup & Hair Executive advising her should get no bonus.

    Life Follows Art dept.
    The Uncertainty Principle – A serious Man

  7. Why are we surprised that a Canadian Elitist is unwilling to discuss their excessive renumeration for milking the Canadian teat?
    In her perfect world we wouldn’t be allowed to vote or speak in public.

  8. She should be paid her contractual bonus. And the next Conservative majority should impose a 500% income tax on all CBC employees earnings above the Canadian median.

  9. Employment contracts must be respected. The issues here are a) who approved her excessive salary, and b) who approved her bonus plan.
    These latter people (presumably the board) should of course be fired.
    And CBC should be defunded.

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