Thirsty Proletarians

In another nation where the leaders routinely address each other as comrade, basic infrastructure continues to implode right on schedule.

Currently, 45% of municipalities in South Africa cannot provide the most basic information on their water supply, including monthly consumption figures.

The report showed that 277 water systems – nearly 30% of the total – are in a critical state requiring urgent intervention. This is a significant increase from 103 systems in 2014.

14 Replies to “Thirsty Proletarians”

  1. personally, and this is gonna sound REAL cold, (echos of the cold war?) it pleases me immensely that those who under different circumstances but the same mindset might be doing what their former soviet former comrades engaged and stirring up trouble for me and mine on my turf.

    kinda hard when you cant find the light switch in the dark and when ya do nuthin happens.

    otoh what REAL EASY pour moi is to shrug and not deal with them and act like they are an enemy in a battle and you do NOT give aid to the enemy in 2024

    1. proof of the theory, skill testing question, is FidelCastroland sending troops to *any* part of ahfricah as happened in the 70s or thereabouts? no? why is that? ah yes, many problems of their own. well let my attitude apply there also.

  2. Jeez, so when people like me leave the country due to dangerous levels of racist violence, we take our skill and knowledge with us and everything we built collapses.

    Funny how that works.

    1. My former next door neighbor is an expat S.African. He is a roofing contractor. I can only imagine the current condition of SA roofs …
      A lovely man and family … who has done extremely well here in the US … evidenced by the fact he moved UP from my low rent … tee hee … neighborhood.

  3. Its cheaper to expand politics than services..

    I just got back from Cuba.. The resort was functioning properly.. Food was surprisingly good in what they call the LEVEL area.. The power was on the whole time.. Although the drinks were good, the bar was suffering shortages of mix / juices.. Rum and coke and beer were fine..

    Roads were empty.. No sign of a economy.. Full price duty free deals :).. A nation reduced to regulating cigarette lighters and vape pens.. Safe to say the revolution is over..

  4. Maybe they could get Justin to fix it . But then he would just right a big check to fix what they should be looking after themselves.

  5. Meh, it’s just black-led South Africa reverting to the African mean after kicking white people in the gonads.

  6. The Zulu’s WON! And now we know the Zulu’s are EXACTLY as depicted in the 1964 film of the historic slaughter … they’re absolute primitive savages. What a JOKE that the white man could educate and civilize them.

    And yes … they will, once again, break into their ancestral tribal units and start slaughtering one-another when there are no more whites to slaughter (or too hard to slaughter).

    1. the lovely mr koebel was a godam drunk, sit aroind drinking all day instead of testing the water. then lies lies lies lies.
      my neighbor blamed 6-toes mikey for firing 100s of provincial inspectors who ALSO would sample the water, but apparently balancing the budget by for instance selling off the land registry cash cow was the cats meow with that day’s ontariowe Conservatists

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