Why Can’t Kamala Be Honest About ANYTHING?!?

Last night, I was forced to endure a minute long political ad featuring Kamala Harris asking for donations. She stated unequivocally that Donald Trump’s campaign is far outspending hers. This didn’t sound right so I did some research:

I sincerely wonder why Ms. Harris can’t be truthful about seemingly anything.  Her statement took me less than 10 seconds to research and debunk.  Why would she lie about this?

45 Replies to “Why Can’t Kamala Be Honest About ANYTHING?!?”

  1. Why would she lie about this? Because she is a compulsive liar, just like Biden and Walz. It must be something in the water.

  2. “Her statement took me less than 10 seconds to research and debunk. Why would she lie about this?”

    – Because, why not? She (or more likely, her campaign advisers, she ain’t that smart) knows that whereas it took you 10 seconds to look up the truth, Kamala-ites won’t try to debunk it in the first place. They see “ten seconds to debunk” as ten seconds wasted – they KNOW she’s right, and she’s saying what they want to hear, and don’t try to confuse them with facts because they won’t believe you.

    A lot of politicians, particularly on the Left, make this their whole agenda; lie lie lie, and their followers believe every word – and people who don’t, or who DO look things up, weren’t going to vote for them anyway. Some of Sleepy Joe’s famous AR-15 misinformations (like the “15,000 ft/sec muzzle velocity”) will live-on forever as canons of the art.

    1. – Y’know, dedicated Kamala-ites of this mindset… https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cnn-panelist-says-white-people-should-be-held-accountable-if-they-dont-vote-kamala

      I recall a story from Glorious SowietJunion; as democracy began to break-out in the transition from Gorbachev to Yeltsin, an apparatchik showed-up at a factory to explain to workers what this “voting” thang was all about, and how they went-about doing it. The workers were perturbed, and one of them asked: ” – But what if we vote wrong?” Well, everybody knew the answer to that before ‘democracy’ came along, and this CNN flack is clearly eagerly anticipating that approach to democracy ending-up here.

      Which it might, and soon, if Kala-mala wins.

  3. Because most people won’t even take the 10 seconds. They contract out their thinking to the media, a friend, Meta…whatever. Thinking requires effort, and it is in short supply.

    1. Indeed. Thinking is work. And work can be difficult. And we wouldn’t want to unduly burden anyone, would we.

      So here it is, all the thinking done for you, right on this big silver spoon.

      Slurp it up. That’s a good little lamb!

  4. Speaking of Kamala being disgusting:
    This is a VIP only link so I’ll summarize
    1. Amber Thurman’s family has asked Kamala to stop exploiting her death caused by the abortion pill. She’s the woman in Georgia who got sepsis from remains left in her body after going to a clinic and being given an abortion pill
    2. Kamala has been using this incident to falsely claim she died because of anti-abortion laws rather than a botched abortion.
    3. As of yesterday, Kamala is still using this woman’s name against the wishes of the family and in fact stated “I promised Amber’s mother that we will always remember her story and speak her name.”

      1. Gee, doesn’t that sound a lot like Sleepy Joe spending decades vilifying the “drunken lout of a truck driver” who ploughed-into his first wife’s car, killing her and his daughter? Never any mention that the truck driver was tested by the responding police and verified to be stone-cold sober, and that Biden’s wife ran a stop sign in front of him. The truck driver’s family has been trying to get Biden to stop telling that story for a long, long time…

  5. She doesn’t have to be honest about anything, because the media will not report on her lying, and democrats don’t care.

  6. wrong question. why would the media allow and repeat it endlessly, you need to come to the realization that politicians are only the means to have the media lie to you. they are the real enemy. if they were honest about reporting, none of the politicians we have today would be in office.

    1. “..if they were honest about reporting, none of the politicians we have today would be in office…”

      That goes for either side of the border.

      We do not and haven’t had Honest reporting at least in my lifetime, since
      Walter Kronkites later commentary on the Vietnam War. It’s gone to shit ever since – world wide. I have not watched MSM News for at least 30-35 yrs…

  7. The problem is not Kamala – (nearly ) all politicians lie.

    The root cause is the failure of the media to call Democrats out on their lies. Two extremely destructive and consequential lies covered up by the press likely changed the course of a presidential election. These were the Charlottesville hoax (Trump called neo-Nazis fine people) and the Hunter Biden laptop story (The laptop was Russian disinformation). The press was directly complicit in both of these. They KNOWINGLY promulgated Democrat lies.

    A good summary of media hoaxes here – https://americandebunk.com/

    1. You could add a 3rd lie, that the Media chose to hide from the People.
      That would be Biden’s state of dementia, the reason he spent so much of the 2020 campaign in the basement!

  8. “Why would she lie about this?”

    Because it is what she and her fellow travelers do. They have a patent on it.
    If she and her fellows did not lie, they would have nothing to say.
    It is why she employs the bizarre laugh, it is to take the time of nothingness in her poor head.

  9. Liar liar pantsuit on fire.
    No different than the lithping goof from the Turdworld Dominion and millions will still vote for the POS.

  10. I don’t mind that my comments sometimes don’t make it through the filter, but it would be nice if there was some type of guidance as to what words aren’t appropriate. I just posted the most innocent of comments, and for some inexplicable reason it didn’t make it through. Can anybody help here?

    1. It’s happened to me a few times also, with me none the wiser, and I’ve been posting here a very long time.

      1. It has happened to me here just a couple of times. It has also happened to a few times to me on another WordPress blog where I know for a fact that there are zero words on the verboten word list. It has even happened there to comments by the blog owner. He’s a techno-geek and he hasn’t been able to figure it out.

        The comment just goes to bit-heaven somewhere out in the Universe. It’s not in the spam bit or moderation queue. It’s just gone.

        As best I know, Kate has only one 3-letter sequence (‘0rc’) on her verboten word list. There might be a couple of others, but I’m not aware of them. Oh… a few posting handles have been banned.

        So, when a comment gets launched into cyberspace, never to be seen again, it’s a WordPress thing unless you have inadvertently used the banned 3-letter combination.

        1. It’s happened to me several times. I often stray near the raw edge of shadow-banishment (usually for extremely long off-topic posts explaining stuff nobody cares about); and more than once a post of mine disappeared and I thought that was what happened. Recently a quasi-inflammatory post of mine disappeared – and three days later, it was back.

          Essentially, I suspect Kate is as much at the mercy of teh interwebz as we are…

          1. Don’t use the word “f0rce” or any word that contains that sequence of characters, for example “enf0rcement.”

            Hopefully others will contribute their nominees of forbidden words to the list

        1. The worst of the Bunch is Mother CBC.
          I think I posted 3 replies to a story – always in opposition to their viewpoint… Then Bamn, Banned for life.

          I was SOOOOO Hurt..!!! – NOT.

      1. “..if they were honest about reporting, none of the politicians we have today would be in office…”

        That goes for either side of the border.

        We do not and haven’t had Honest reporting at least in my lifetime. Not since Walter Kronkites later(est) commentary on the Vietnam War. It’s gone to shite ever since – world wide. I have not watched MSM News for at least 30-35 yrs…

        I Prefer podcasts: Brett Weinstein, Tucker, Shawn Ryan, Rogan, Viva, Jordan Peterson…and a few others.

    2. It seems to be certain threads. I have used questionable language that was accepted. Then another thread wouldn’t let me comment no matter what I said.

  11. Along with being an obvious psychopath … Karmella Harris is a chronic, compulsive liar. It is a mental issue. I have known two others, personally who have this problem … they were both killed for lying to the wrong people ….

    Some folks simply won’t tolerate being made a fool of, by mentally ill liars. But we fools here in Canada … well consider that … ‘Canada’ in English means ‘naive suckers live here‘. Half of America are now as bad as liberal Canadians … gullible is only the beginning,

  12. re the lie to increase donations.
    She just want some “walkin’ around money” after this thing is over and done with, particularly if she looses.

  13. In our degraded culture and democracy, no brutally honest politician is electable from any party. The left knows this and based on that premise they exploit it more as they enjoy the least critical thinking constituency including the media.

  14. I accidentally watched one of her campaign adds last night and it was replete with lies. The most outright dishonest I’ve ever seen.

  15. Bloomberg mentioned that the Harris campaign had raised more than $1 billion last month, far more than they would need to finish their election campaign. But they spent the majority of the time explaining why Elon Musk, giving away $1 million a day for the next 2 weeks, is probably doing something illegal (at least in the minds of many “legal scholars”).

  16. Scoop: Biden doubted Harris’ election chances


    Harris’ time as vice president has been occasionally rocky, defined in part by large staff turnover. Of the 47 Harris staffers listed in 2021, only five still worked for her as of this spring,
    Former Harris aides told Axios the high turnover is partly because of how the vice president treats her staff.

    Harris has been cautious and reluctant to participate in events that weren’t tightly controlled, Harris and Biden aides said.
    In 2022, the White House internally pushed Harris to be the headliner for D.C.’s traditional Gridiron Dinner, but she resisted. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo did it instead.

    In April 2022, Harris was the guest for a dinner at D.C. news mogul David Bradley’s home — a salon-style event Bradley hosts with Washington journalists and newsmakers.
    Harris’ anxiety about the dinner was such that her staff held a mock dinner beforehand, with staffers playing participants, according to two people familiar with the event.
    Harris aides even considered including wine in the mock prep so Harris could practice with a glass or two.

  17. I keep seeing Dumbocrats talking of “Trump’s abortion ban”.

    There is no such thing.

    The US Supreme Court put abortion back to the states, for the voters of each individual state to decide.

    But AL S has proven that most are too lazy to spend 10 seconds of search time to find out.

  18. The Harris campaign supposedly raised over a billion dollars! I can’t see how that much money can be raised from the grassroots.

  19. Well, this isn’t an example of Kamala lying. “Lying” is deliberately stating a falsehood, for whatever purpose. Kamala is merely reading her campaign statement. She doesn’t know if it’s true; very likely she doesn’t know what it means. And she doesn’t care. It’s just something she has to say now. Obviously her campaign is lying, but that’s what she pays them for, right?

    She herself doesn’t lie much. She’s far too clueless. The real world isn’t even a rumour to her, she just says what she likes the sound of.

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