Y2Kyoto: “These results contradict the previously published work”

Roger Pielke Jr:

A new paper is just out claiming that climate change is increasing the damage associated with U.S. hurricanes:

“US hurricane damage, normalized for changes of inflation, population, and wealth, increases approximately 1% per year. For 1900–2022, 1% per year is equivalent to a factor of >3 increase, substantially but not entirely, attributable to climate change.”

As they say — Big if true.

Alas, it is not true.Stop me if you’ve heard this before — some researchers found a fake Excel “dataset” online and decided to use it in a peer reviewed paper, favoring the fake dataset over data in the peer reviewed literature of known provenance and subject to decades of scrutiny.

18 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: “These results contradict the previously published work””

  1. If the data don’t support our conclusions, change the data.

    Can’t remember if this was attributed to Cath McKenna or not.

  2. Most journals accept and run letters to the editor that comment on published papers. Pielke should consider composing such a letter, detailing his concerns. Sometimes it results in a paper being retracted.

    1. You’re…not familiar with Pielke’s treatment at the hands of the climate mafia, are you?

      I realize you’re wedded to this delusion that the scientific establishment isn’t thoroughly and utterly corrupt (*cough*BarryMarshall*cough*) but have you just not been paying attention to the vicious lawfare that’s been conducted against anyone refuting the absurdist claims of said climate mafia?

  3. “The splicing of two very different datasets together”…

    Wait a minute, where have we heard that one before? Mike’s Nature trick?

    1. Yeah … that’s how they came up with 3.25% inflation … while ALL my fixed costs; utilities, insurances, taxes, etc. have ballooned by 22%

  4. We’ve got to save the planet! Small steps are a good start. Here’s one: apparently, fertilizer is evil as evidenced by being taxed by the Federal Government. But, people still have to eat. A solution: ban all URBAN fertilizer use; only to be used on farms.
    Urbanites tend to vote socialist, and they want to be envitonmentalists. Rural folk tend to vote conservatively and want to provide for their families with as little government interVention as possible. Let the urbanites show the rurals how to make the sacrifice.

    1. “Rural folk tend to vote conservatively and want to provide for their families with as little government interVention as possible;…

      Here, let me finish that sentence:

      … excluding supply management, grants, and subsidies.”

    1. It’s actually the biggest lie of all of human history. Until Trump or another organizes an international committee that would be televised, with only uncorrupt qualified climatologists…No Gore or Greta or any other activists. Set the record straight in front of the whole world…until we go back to the truth, western civilization and the rest of the world will never be the same, to go back to normalcy and prosperity for a strong middle class.

      1. Simply eliminate ALL government (taxpayer funded) “scientific studies” … then “global warming” would disappear in an instant.

  5. Damage is a ridiculous way to measure weather. Stupid, dumb, idiotic, etc. and that’s why activists latched on to it, it’s always going to be more expensive and worse than the last time.

  6. So … I am watching ALL the televised images of the latest hurricane damage .., and I find it very instructive and interesting that nearly ALL the video was of mobile home parks … flooded … and trailers blown to pieces. Who wouldda thought … flimsy built cracker boxes get damaged in hurricanes? I guess double-wides cost much more now than 100 years ago …

  7. I have made this statement before will do so again.
    At the end of WW2 there were about 2.4 billion people on the planet, there are now over 8 billion. There are millions living on flood plains, by the oceans by rivers that flood regularly. Expensive housing sits on the land when dry and gets washed away during storms. Storms have been happening for millions of years.
    Climate is not the problem, we must do as man has always done, adapt because we cannot change the climate no matter what anyone thinks or says or does.
    CO2 is not a pollutant or a climate driver. Saying it is is a lie.

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