Hey Justin, here’s a new fringe minority for you to demonize

h/t ‘DavidR’

32 Replies to “Hey Justin, here’s a new fringe minority for you to demonize”

  1. I actually like the US Second Amendment and wish Canada had the same (Danielle Smith’s proposal is a good one) but as an aside, how do all these guns get across the border???

    Hmmm…what entities span both Canadian and US territory, have their own rules and are de facto ‘off-limits’ to outsiders who might be looking to stem the illegal gun trade?

    It’s a mystery…

    1. There is at least one “area” that Canada is forbidden to put border inspection for “goods” coming in from the US. We were here first, or something, something…………………

          1. Well, seeing as how we live on “stolen land,” I’m not sure what authority Justin and the LPC think they have to ban, anything. As long as it’s sourced through the proper channels, and all.

  2. Dear Leader will continue to brag of “Helping us” as the inner cities become ever more stupid and dangerous.
    “Gun Free Zones”..
    Expect ever more draconian rules and regulations to be imposed on registered firearms owners.
    Hell my RPAL only took 5 months to be renewed…just 2 months overdue..
    Making the beginning of hunting season a bit interesting.

    If that is truly a message from The Toronto Police Association…maybe some same people remain.
    However a society that will make excuses for idiots who fire at each other with no regard for normal citizens nor a care for where their rounds will land..has little hope of civilized behaviour.
    Jane Creba comes to mind..
    And just imagine the fate of a PAL holder who testified to behaviour, as did those two RCMP asshats in the Eastern Inquiry.
    Dear Leader is the figurehead of The Liberal Party.
    All Liberals are accountable for his criminality.

  3. this outcome entirely predictable right from the moment of conception.
    as proven by past ‘trial runs’. and it will always fail. and fail again.

  4. As a US citizen, I applaud your government helping to create business opportunities for my countrymen to smuggle firearms across the border to your criminals. It’s kind of like how my government creates business opportunities for Mexican cartels to smuggle drugs across the southern border to our druggie class. In the long run, Darwin wins.

  5. It is said that you can always tell a dipper. They’re the ones with the white foreheads. They’re full of shit just down a quart.
    I don’t see any white foreheads in the liberal party.

    1. Reminds me of an old joke. Paki goes to the doctor complaining of white forehead. Doctor gives prescription. Paki say pills taste like shit. Dr replies, yes, you were down a quart!

      1. This is what I thought. A gun lobby? Like a place to store guns? I know there’s a dairy lobby. And an environmental lobby. And an anti-oil anti-gas lobby. But a gun lobby? Who do they pay money to?

  6. I am soooo at the “just shut the f_ck up as you are too f_cking stupid to even know how stupid you are” stage with family and acquaintances that embrace idiocy like the Left’s gun bans and think more of it will somehow work even after seeing stats like this

    1. Here in the US, someone got the bright idea to pass a law making it illegal to bring a gun closer than within 1,000 of a school. Signs were then posted at the 1,000′ mark that said, “Gun Free Zone”

      Well, we’ve had several school shootings since then. Some people apparently misread the signs as saying, “Shoot ’em up Zone. There’s nobody gonna shoot back here.”

      1. Here in Canada, they’re trying to turn the whole country into a “Shoot ’em up Zone. There’s nobody gonna shoot back here.”…an effort spearheaded by the left, and aided and abetted by the right.

  7. Canadians, even on the right, still think its the gov’ts role to keep guns outta the hands of criminals.
    I got some bad new for ya, sunshine: As far as the gov’t is concerned, we’re all criminals.
    God Bless the reserves who keep the supply chain alive as the state tries to put an end to it, despite the masses of idiots who are happily chopping away at their noses to spite the idiotic faces.

  8. Does anyone believe that Pierre Poilievre will actually overturn Trudeau’s handgun ban? Or make any meaningful changes to any of the ‘assault rifle’ bans?

  9. // What difference does your handgun ban make when 85% of guns seized by our members can be sourced to the United States? //

    Well, it used to be about 50% percent, but it looks like the American trade has made up for it.
    This video states that 90% of illegal handguns seized come from the U.S.
    and the source of MOST is private sellers in Texas.
    https://youtu.be/auO3arxmMi0 7:46
    How are illegal guns getting into Canada? It often starts like this

  10. Would this be the same TPA that held hands with all the posturing socialist politicians and police chiefs (pardon the repetition) who belly-ached about Harper getting rid of the “effective and necessary” long gun registry?

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