20 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

    1. Yes. Prices go up so demand falls, as demand falls the amount of beef produced falls, which makes prices go up even more. Hopefully when the price rises enough farmers will take advantage and increase production, but the floor price has to be high enough for it to get produced, or it won’t get produced.

    2. Price is the reason. We buy directly from the beef producer. Going through Costco anything better than ground or sirloin is out of reach.

  1. Honestly, I’m more into chicken and pork nowadays. I do enjoy the occasional hamburger, and there is a nice Chinese place I like that does a couple of beef dishes I like.

    1. I love beef, the only reason I eat other meats is because I can’t afford to eat steaks or roast beef every day.

    2. “Chinese place I like that does a couple of beef dishes I like.”

      Make sure it’s actually beef before you lick the dish and stick it in the dishwasher. 🙂

    1. Despite popular white liberal belief, Hindus have an insatiable preference for chicken. I guess mean ole Uncle Prajeet won’t have to worry about coming back as a rooster.

  2. One might also comment on the decline of cooking skills in the female population. Or how grocery stores sell good beef and crappy beef for the same price. Or the paranoia over the so called mad cow disease

  3. The smaller size of the Canadian beef herd could be because of imports?

    See lots of South American beef in the store coolers and freezers.

  4. As my friends and I age, we are only able to eat about half of what we were able to even 20 years ago (I am now 72). I think this is a combination of factors – age, demographics, cost of food. I also remember when I was growing up in the 1950’s and early 1960’s, the only beef we ate regularly was beef cubes in stew. Mostly had fish, chicken or yuck! Liver and onions and for extra good measure turnips.
    “My brother from another mother” remembers his mother making tripe on a weekly basis. Thank goodness his father started earning more money working the line at GM and tripe was GONE! He has NEVER had tripe since about 1963 and does not miss it.

    1. Yes, a striploin that used to be too little for a meal is now a two meal proposition. I don’t mind, it just means I don’t have to plan two suppers in a row.

  5. Every time I see the price of beef in the stores I say a prayer of thanks to my Old Man for showing me how to hunt.

  6. I have made good relationships with local beef farmers and buy direct, saving 25-30%… so it’s beef at least every other day and leftovers for breakfast, with eggs. Sure, there’s a bit of a premium but the quality offsets that cost.

  7. I buy it on sale and freeze it.
    I bought an ungraded Mexican prime rib roast the other day.
    I don’t know if the steer knew it was Mexican.

    1. “…don’t know if the steer knew it was Mexican.”

      Was it wrapped with a cartel logo and taste a little like pork?

  8. A package of 3 ribeye steaks at my local COSTCO is $95 !!! THAT is why my beef consumption has shrunk. Period. It’s too damned expensive.

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