October 22, 2024: Reader Tips

I’m frequently asked by Europeans and Asians what are the differences between Americans and Canadians. There are definitely a lot of similarities. If you were to cover up the flags and mailboxes and parachute a foreign visitor into Vancouver or Seattle or perhaps Toronto or Chicago, it might be difficult for them to figure out which country they were in. A deeper comparison might delve into the fact that the Americans rebelled against their British overlords whereas the Canadians (aka loyalists) complied. But this doesn’t mean that Canadians were entirely happy with their fate. In fact, in 1837, there were two Canadian Rebellions. You can read more about them here.

Bonus: Here’s a very wise mom!

Got some good news tips? We want ’em!

38 Replies to “October 22, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Flash: Moncton.

    Liberals defeat Liberal lite in New Brunswick. Higgs defeated, loses seat.. Some greentatds elected.. Justin Trudeau vows to work with the new premier to protect both official languages….

    Oh those wacky Irvings…..

  2. In 2007 a bunch of us rode our Motos from Arizona to Proudhoe Bay and back. Took a month. I was never so happy as when we crossed into Alaska at Tok. I couldn’t figure out why until I thought about it. All through Canada we witnessed this unspoken resentment because we were Americans. Nothing said outright but lots of body language and standoffnish. Friendliest place was Calgary on our return. Great people. Being from west Texas I realized these were oil field people. Guys at Blackfoot BMW were wonderful. So yeah, there’s a difference.

    1. I read somewhere that Canadian resentment of Americans took hold because we tolerated the Fenians making terrorist attacks in Canada and retreating to the US to hide out. It had something to do with Irish independence, but it wasn’t very neighborly of us not to help Canada deal with those people. I doubt many Canadians are still steamed about that specific thing, but attitudes have a way of being passed from generation to generation.

      1. The Fenian movement was about invading Upper Canada and seizing it with military assistance from the large Irish community in Boston and New York. The intent was to seize UC and then blackmail the British government into granting independence for Ireland. Eventually the movement morphed into the attempts to introduce Irish Home Rule in 1886.

      2. “…attitudes have a way of being passed from generation to generation.” That is so true, particularly in my family. My maternal grandfather worked for Avro Canada and, after being put out of work in 1959, he became anti-Conservative and anti-American. This sentiment was, of course, passed along to all the family. To this day, there is no love for anything Conservative or American in my family. Just mentioning the Arrow will cause eyes and veins to bulge. Come to think of it, the same happens if you mention Trump.

  3. “Canadians are generally indistinguishable from Americans, and the surest way of telling the two apart is to make the observation to a Canadian.”

    Richard Staines

    1. True fact, I have worked in both the UK and Australia, and in both places I was told that when in doubt, they would just guess that a person was Canadian, because if he was American, he would just think it was funny, but if he was Canadian, and you guessed he was American, he would get mad.

      1. On a 2019 trip from Saskatchewan to Western Australia, north of Perth, I met many Australians who were amazed that someone would travel from Canada to their distant region. Most of their tourists came from Asia. It meant I got a lot of free beers!

        Loved the area too! Felt like home in a lot of ways. Indian Ocean Highway is a great drive!

      2. When we were in a hotel lounge in Edinburgh in 1990, our server brought our drinks and asked if we were American. When we said we were from Canada, he couldn’t apologize fast enough; he wanted to slink away, thinking he had insulted us (and perhaps killed any chance of a good tip). I just laughed it off and told him we were not insulted. I just don’t understand the hatred for America and Americans. Envy, I guess.

        1. I so agree with you! I have tried all of my life to treat people as individuals and it is only when they prove themselves to be “assholes”, then I walk away.

    1. Ain’t that a crock of crap. In case you missed grade 8 social studies, the only meaningful job of the King is to appoint the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. I should introduce you to the guys who think the Privy Council really rules us as a non-benevolent dictatorship. Then there are the American jackasses who say, “We are not a Democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.” Last I heard we all effing vote and the idiots we vote for successfully screw up our respective countries.

        1. She’s entirely correct. The United States is a republic, not a democracy. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy.

    2. That was true a while back, but now the US is a “democracy” in the same way that the UK is a “monarchy,” in name only.

  4. Americans don’t realize the Canadian Prime Minister has a lot more political power than the US President.

    For example:
    – Trudeau can just appoint his cabinet (no senate confirmation required)
    – Trudeau appoints Senators (no elected senators)
    – Trudeau appoints Supreme Court Justices (confirmation hearings not required)
    – a Canadian PM is not limited to two terms.

  5. My ancestor Jesse Lloyd would weep if he were around today. He ended up losing everything he had built in Lloydtown. He rallied the farmers of the area to march to demise at Montgomery’s Tavern. He would recognize a corrupt oligarchy such as we have today. Will I have self same courage to resist as he did?

    1. The calculated risk that the perp was taking was that there would be no prosecution for brown boy crime in canuckistan. He is likely correct on that one.

  6. I’ve only witnessed the anti-Yank sentiment in the socialist element of our population. So that’s about 70 percent. And the majority of the remainder prefer to remain silent instead of speaking out.

    1. If you step on the foot of an American they say “hey, you just stepped on my foot”. If you step on the foot of a Canadian they say “Oh, sorry”.

    2. I agree Jamie we get lots of American hunters around here they are taken at face value if they are assholes they are treated as such if not they are not they are treated well.However as said Socialists don’t like the US until winter when they head to Arizona,Florida etc for the warm weather

  7. Bike lanes improve traffic flow according to “studies”.


    I have 2 questions.

    Question 1: In Toronto, where are all the cyclists? Other than Lakeshore I don’t see many bikes in Toronto but I see lots of bike lanes.

    Question 2: Where do the commuters come from? If they’re driving in from Brampton they won’t be using a bike. If they’re all up at Eglington and Yonge, maybe.

    Follow up question: What do you do in the winter?

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