The Calls Are Coming From Inside The House

Via Mario Nawfal;

A senior Pentagon official disclosed that the suspect in leaking documents about Israel’s potential attack on Iran is the director of the office of the assistant commander of special operations at the US Department of Defense.

The individual allegedly passed the documents to Iranian authorities, raising alarm over US security.

Nobody could have seen that coming.

37 Replies to “The Calls Are Coming From Inside The House”

  1. I actually thought it would be someone from Canada’s own @Libranos…
    If Obama’s right hand gal Valarie Jarrett was still working in Washington, I’d have been certain it was her but …

  2. The phrase “search for the guilty an punish the innocent” immediately comes to mind in this accusation.
    1. Guilty until proven innocent
    2. An Iranian suspect of course
    3.The US / Israel need a fall guy to crucify
    4. Amazing how quickly the suspect was “fingered” by an Israeli source
    5. There will be a media frenzy regarding Iran , but not mentioning the ongoing Israel genocide in Gaza and the new one beginning in Lebanon.

    1. 4 f off ye brian. it is assuredly not ‘genocide’ which requires the targetting is solely motivated by desire to ‘shoot zem hall, HIMMEL ZIEN YAWOL MEIN FURHER stuff.
      what there is in gaza is a psychotic level evil using human shields, *knowing* the lsraelis are gonna shoot anyway but still try try try to minimize non-combatants.

      m’kay mr anti-semite propaganda? hmmm?

      1. LOL! It’s Jewish, including IDF TESTIMONY, you twit!

        Both on who created (((Hamas))), according to Avi Primor, former Israeli ambassador and how the IDF looked the other way during the planned attack and allowed ~7 gorgeous IDF ladies to be murdered!
        (If you’re going to sacrifice your own for emotional and justification effects, why not assign the doggy ones to be the sacrificial ‘lambs’?)

        Either stop lying or do your research and stop ASSUMING!

        Coincidence too that within days of the HAMAS attack Israel offers leases of oil and gas off Palestinian shores?

        1. t wain ..

          Yup your comment is one of the few realistic and correct replies citing facts and not emotion and f… words. Both Hamas and Israel are cut from similar religious cloth … Hamas goal is to kill Israelis and the Israeli goal is to kill enough Muslims to establish Jewish control over the Middle East , problem being they are only 6 million Jews as opposed to hundreds of millions on the other side. Netanyahu is attempting to stay out of jail by remaining in power and is attempting to provoke an all out war with Iran before the US election by drawing in the US to attack Iran. With the potential backing of Russia and perhaps China , Netanyahu is on a suicide mission which could easily lead to WW3 … so much for the peaceful Jewish State of Israel. If the US were to attack Iran it would lose as they (US/NATO/EU) have already lost in Ukraine , but thankfully the US military seems to be aware of this minor detail.

    2. brainless brian
      Pls descibe this genocide of which you speak? Is that were civilians get killed because the HamASS’ embed their “military” assets amoung civils, so as to cause collateral damage for propaganda purposes?That’s an old trick used all over the mid east by the Arabs(BTW: there is no such thing as Palestinian)

  3. There was a gentle “click” sound and we never heard of this again.

    If Trump wins he’s going to be knee-capped at every turn.

  4. They DO all have a certain ‘look’ … don’t they?

    I have no idea what she “identifies” as … but it is certainly NOT as an American citizen and patriot! She must be one of the LGBTQueer Farsi translators that were so important to retain in the US military. Remember them? That we HAD to flood our military with Queers because we needed Farsi and Pashto translators… like this Traitor.

    The termites within our government must be exterminated. Yes, literally. Their choice … lethal injection or hanging.

  5. …and yet still no arrests for the colossal failure of intelligence that led to the Oct. 7 attack in the first place.

  6. On a potential upside, the plans given to the US may have been bogus. The whole purpose was possibly to expose security concerns such as this.

  7. Kind of of like every second face in the Canadian civil service is an agent for the Chinese government. That’s why nobody shares secrets with Canada any more. When dealing with national security maybe the foreign born and dual citizens can be told to eff off.

    1. No surprise here and I doubt Israel was being an open book with the US at this point. Even stuff not shared by Israel should be suspect.

      1. I have to believe that Israel is smart-enough to know our military is COMPLETELY COMPROMISED with traitors in every wing of The Pentagon.

        I suspect what was released was a pile of steaming catfishing

      1. brilliant observation mr yawho.
        so vietnam *wasnt* a war, on a technicality?
        then again toilet paper like you are fond of technicalities.

  8. L – Traditionally, the U.S. institutions in charge of protecting America from enemies foreign and domestic,
    they were loyal to the U.S. of A. as a nation-state and it’s Constitution foundations. In recent times, the
    muddying and desecration of those values has occurred at a steadily increasing rate, as cult. Marxists
    have infiltrated like *tapeworms.

    Restoring America requires a quota of citizens standing up, regardless of cost, as did the founding generation,
    regardless of risk. In a war of ideas, they are well armed, Americans inherited some of the most powerful ideas of self-government from ancient Greece, Rome, British Common-law and the Book of Wisdom(Judeo-Christian)
    narrative). If America falls this November, it will foreshadow the same to Canada, whose much weaker Charter
    has facilitated high levels of infiltration from anti-Western nation-stated. If not, we have a fighting chance.

    It was the Logos that brought order out of chaos, may that be true again.

    *(this explains why said tapeworms denigrated the effectiveness of Ivermectin over the last 4 years.)

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