The Children Meet Their Future

Generation Entitlement crashes into a job market squeeze.

Sana has been no stranger to rejections, as she has applied to hundreds of jobs since getting laid off last year.

“The hiring system is pretty broken,” said Sana, 27, who did not want her last name used because she continues to look for work.

She notes the issues she has faced are not unique to her industry. In fact, she is one of the large number of under-35-year-olds who are driving an increase in the unemployment rate in Canada.

“There’s no loyalty from organizations; they’re not approaching things from a way that’s recognizing the systemic failures that they have, like actually supporting and uplifting young people.”

But wait, there’s more punchline!

Sana, who lives with her family, said she did some unpaid work for a company that specialized in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work before landing her first full-time job there after completing her master’s program.

“It was definitely a role that I learned the most from, but it was also exploitative,” Sana said, explaining that she worked in an fast-paced and demanding environment for little pay and no work-life balance. She said she ended up working long hours, sometimes ending the workday at 8 p.m.

You knew it was coming.

25 Replies to “The Children Meet Their Future”

  1. Since when should employers display “loyalty” to someone who has never worked for them? Notice how the blame is placed on “systemic failure” as opposed to the possibility that you are probably being really picky as to where you apply.

    The only systemic failure is the sharp jump in minimum wages which is pricing young people out of entry level jobs. But you won’t hear that subject broached by Sana.

  2. “She added that she feels she has been stagnating in entry-level pay, at between $50,000 to $60,000 a year.”

    When did “entry-level” pay become $50 to $60k a year?

    Did she pick a degree that is in demand, or just what she wanted to do?

    1. When did “entry-level” pay become $50 to $60k a year?

      Oh, about 2021-2022 or so.
      Before that, it was $30-$35K.
      Of course, as your standard Canadian conservative, the fact that a single-wage earner cannot hope to own a home and support a family just means that he ain’t working hard enough, right?
      All those tent-cities that sprang up post coof, we’ll they’re just a bunch of lazy ashsoles who should get a job, right?

      1. holy fcuk are ever godam negative.

        when the apocalypse comes you will be booted out of every survivalist enclave within 250 kms. because THAT is the range limit in a time when mobility depends not on the fuel in the tank but does electricty flow from the charger?

        p.s. the thing about y2k? l passed that by several PHDs in school at the time.
        they agreed it would work, but would the idea spread in time for all the subsequent steps.

        aka stfu about stuff you know little or nothing. unless that is part of your research towards a PHD in doofish.

  3. The purpose of a business is not to support and uplift young people. BTW, at 35 you’re not a young person. You are someone you frittered away your youth getting an irrelevant masters degree in some useless “Studies” program. Had you taken engineering or applied science or better yet a trade, you probably would have everything that you’re looking for, a sense of purpose and achievement with appropriate remuneration and your own place to live in besides your parents basement. Choices have consequences.

    1. Yeah. All those tent city dwellers just made bad choices, the first of which was living here.
      The more I read this kind of crap spouted by alleged “conservatives”, the more it seems clear that they are almost as much an enemy of the people as the left are.

      1. In my experience, most of the tent city dwellers have serious mental health and addiction problems and should likely be institutionalized. “Yeahwell…” would know this if he (and I’m assuuming a “he” – as he sounds like some facile, loudmouthed ignoramus lefty male – this type is a dime a dozen, BTW. Wispy-beard and fixed gear bike optional) took some time to go anywhere near such places.

        1. Yeah.
          All those “mentally ill” folk just magically appeared, nothing to do with inflation or interest rates or rental rates.
          …and food retailers started magically colluding to increase prices, too, right?
          all this stuff just magically happened, because reasons.

          1. yeahwell…, your incisive commentary almost makes us wax nostalgic for the heady days of UnMe (last spotted in his mom’s basement slouched in a bean bag chair, smoking ditch weed and pleasuring himself to dog-eared copies of ‘Scat Party’ and ‘Preteen Beauty’).

            Note to UnMe if he is reading this: I said ‘almost’

  4. So she’s saying that
    A) The DEI industry exploits people for profit!! This is my shocked face.
    B) It’s the fault of the employer’s systemic failures, not the fact that she chose a master’s program in a field that is barren. The law of supply and demand cannot be ignored in the labour market.

  5. I call BS on applying to “hundreds of jobs”.

    Scrolling past a posting on the internet is not “applying for a job”

  6. you don’t hear that kind of whining from students in the trades.. (what the heck is a “master of spatial analysis anyway?) sounds like Toronto Metropolitan University is about as much of a university as the Metropolitan Community Church is a Christian denomination. they’re off to a poor start with their DEI medicine program already. one of their degrees might well be the kiss of death for prospective employers.

    1. That would be a GIS degree.
      There’s tons of employment out there, but he doesn’t want to lower himself to a 70k/yr job, hence, he sniffs at those while waiting for his 120k entry level job, cuz, MASTERS.
      Entitlement. The yutes need to cut their teeth first before getting the glorious jobs.
      Now, that said, it’s not going to be long before AI completely guts that field of employment. Anything dependent on data for analysis and presentation will be engulfed by the AI revolution.
      He’ll be lucky to be slashing RW lines in Northern Alberta in 5 years time.

  7. in 1975 l photocopied a very expensive library reference, listing some of the major users of mainframe computers in Canaduh.
    l sent out about 100 inquiries asking for application form etc.
    first those nearby,
    then those with systems l had experience anywhere else.
    then all the rest of them.
    simultaneously the other avenues of job search.
    l got the job !!!

  8. It took her two months to process getting fired.

    Skin thickening and character building used to happen when kids were kids. Now it’s not happening until they’re in their 30s, if ever. Good luck Canada. You’ll need it.

  9. One individual apparently has a Masters in Spatial Analysis…..I didn’t know what that entailed so I looked it up:

    “Spatial analysis refers to studying entities by examining, assessing, evaluating, and modeling spatial data features such as locations, attributes, and relationships that reveal data’s geometric or geographic properties. It uses a variety of computational models, analytical techniques, and algorithmic approaches to assimilate geographic information and define its suitability for a target system.”

    Well, OK then….um…I guess…..

  10. I don’t know what “spatial analysis” could apply to in the real world.

    Could she use any of this in say, construction? There’s a couple of million new canadians who will someday want to live in houses instead of airport area hotels, also with the US Federal election in the closing 2 weeks down south, we can be certain there’s going to be a number of celebrities who say “If Trump wins, I’m moving to Canada”
    They’ll need to live somewhere too, until they realise how cold Canada gets in January

    The various governments within Canada give a few different monetary gifts/grants to new graduates in the construction fields. She’ll need a few tools to own prior to signing up, but her unemployment woes will likely end pronto after she’s gotten over herself.
    If she’s angry enough at how life unfolds for her, I’d suggest a few posts on social networks warning others of what happens when the Princess doesn’t meet the owners son… also, stop voting for the #Libranos and their ilk, that’ll help her mentally in her “cleanse”

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