3 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. The sound of settled science.
    More science coming out saying CO2 has nothing to do with the earth’s temperature. Two separate studies. The censorship isn’t happening fast enough for these charlatans of the “climate crisis”. The head of the UN demanding, DEMANDING, $301Billion to address the “climate crisis®©” in the third world.
    $Billions stolen from peoples’ pockets so these grifters can live like kings.
    Arrest them all for crimes against humanity and bring in executions for the guilty.

  2. My 3 cents worth come from this paragraph.

    “Chemical analysis revealed that these ancient zircons had the same composition as those formed from the island’s current volcanic activity, suggesting they came from the same magma source. However, the volcanic activity that created Easter Island’s landscape cannot have been occurring for 165 million years because the tectonic plate beneath the island is not that old. The only plausible explanation is that these ancient zircons were brought up from deep within the mantle, beneath the plate, from much earlier volcanic activity.”

    1. Calling 165 million year old material “ancient” is misleading. Yes, it’s much older than the 2.5 million yrs they claim the island is made from. But the ancient Earth is 4.5 billion yrs old and 165 million isn’t that old (geologically speaking).

    2. It’s unlikely that Easter Island is only 2.5 million yrs old (look at me sitting in an arm chair). The material could be up to 50 million yrs old without having to move any plates too far, with most of the recent material being at surface and some of the older material being at depth (but not that deep, just far enough away from the geologists hammer).

    3. I suspect the zircons aren’t just either 2.5 or 165 million yrs old but range within that value. So no surprise there. If there were only 2 distinct groups (2.5 and 165) I wouldn’t be surprised either.

    4. Geology is messy. Geologists find a new mineral deposit and they invent a model for its formation. One guy writes a paper with a new idea and another writes another paper with another new idea on the same topic. All their evidence sits 34 km under the ocean so they’re both right until a new geologist comes along (he has to have a cool name and he has to wait about 60 years) with a new paper and a new theory. Then he’s right – for 60 years.

    In summary, this is bullshit in a can.

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