If the world needs it, why not use Canada’s?

Jim Warren: Could maximizing Canadian oil production and exports over the medium-term help reduce CO2 emissions for the long-term?

 “There is a chasm of disagreement separating climate-concerned policy makers in Ottawa and supporters of the oil and gas sector on the prairies. Each side behaves like they’re playing a zero sum game.”

Also: Investing in oil and gas still important, IEA deputy head tells Calgary crowd

6 Replies to “If the world needs it, why not use Canada’s?”

  1. Just another grasping-at-straws justification for boosting oil production considering that carbon plant food dioxide emmissions don’t need to be reduced and are in fact beneficial for the planet and that the transition to green energy is a costly boondoggle.

    1. I should have added that if you accept the premise that reducing CO2 emmissions is a good and necessary thing then you have alreay lost the battle.

  2. The left/liberals are all virtue signaling morons, they’d rather the world got oil from despots like Venezuela even though it is more CO2 intensive, than have Canada be seen as on oil producer exporter.

  3. drill it all, maximize profit, and don’t send a red cented penny to Zelensky, Palestine, or any other warlord or terrorist organization

  4. IEA (Paris) statement: Investments in oil and gas production are important and must continue.

    Translation: pinkos outside of BRICS still need a lot of oil & gas in spite of their homicidal efforts to sabotage world economies. It’s a message of desperation, made in a city (Calgary) where they’ve effectively strangled international investment. It’s also a message which was obviously not previewed by Trudeau who can only run a campaign of Alberta Oil Bad. They’re hedging for a Trump win. These are the rats leaving a sinking global ship, watch out where they land and be ready with pitchforks. Could be fun.

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