22 Replies to “Well, Rats!”

  1. I predict that they will all come away from this with big smiles on their faces, fists raised in the air, and proclaiming how great the party is now that Justin has heard their concerns.
    It’s all just for show.

    1. “Don’t give in, Justin. The longer you put off your retirement, the deeper the hole you dig for the Liberals.”

      Agreed. Let his arrogance be his undoing.

    2. The deeper hole he’ll dig is for regular Canadians, one they may never recover from, so to hell with that nonsense about the Lib Party’s potential demise as if it matters much.

      1. It’s not like his replacement from the Liberal Party will suddenly slam everything into reverse. They might even make things worse.

        No, we’ll have to wait for an election.

    3. Four points:

      1. What more possible damage can this current crop of corrupt, traitorous, taxpayer-mugging, bank account-freezing, border-opening, ethnic-pandering, free speech-impeding, national decline-ignoring clowns do?

      2. Never give your enemies assistance when they are in the process of destroying themselves. The Harrington Lake Lisper has already wrecked his own political career and historical legacy and now it’s time to for his MPs – who’ve I’ve described elsewhere in this blog as “trained seals, obedient lapdogs and fart-catching sycophants” (at least when Justin appeared to be popular – they have heretofore been with him, and have been complicit with everything he did) – to watch their own careers and historical legacies similarly implode. It’s wonderful to watch!

      3. The Current Liberal ‘Hail Mary’/Dream Strategy is to have some Magical Saviour (Mark Carney?) come in deus ex machina-style and save the Liberal Party’s collective ass. I’ve earned the right to be worried about the Canadian voters being gullible enough to believe that if such an event happens, that Our Natural Governing Party has duly error-corrected, trimmed its sails, righted the ship, etc., etc (choose your metaphor) and that for having such good sense (“the sensible Canadian middle way” – LOL), rewarding them by yet again re-electing the bastards.

      4. The potential damage to the country that I mentioned in my above Point #1 (9 months or so of Liberal rule with the possibility of them being distracted by infighting), is VASTLY LESS than the potential damage to the country that would occur under the possible “Dream Strategy” scenario mentioned in my above Point #3 (many more terms of Liberal rule stretching way into the future).

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr Dressup requires a “Team America” loyalty test from every person prior to leaving. Could really stretch the meaning of “caucus member”. There’s nothing short of next October that can get rid of the bad rash that infects the Libs. 12 more months, Rats!

  3. Could it be possible that we have it all wrong.
    That perhaps, the problem for Liberals is not that the Turd doesn’t want to step down,,, but rather nobody wants to take his place at the helm of a sinking ship??? nobody wants to be K. Campbell !
    It’s possible some of those in cabinet, may not know how desperate the LPC is for someone with leadership talent, to step forward.
    Who,,, with serious leadership ambitions wants to step forward now??? and if they pick a “disposable nobody” to lead the party in the next election, they very well may get sacked down to 2 seats,,, a.k.a. Kimmy.

    1. The rubic now is whether any contender wants to lead a coup to sit as PM for two months and a footnote or live the remainder of their political career as the leader of an opposition party…. and a smaller footnote.

  4. “they can choose whether they want to get behind him or leave.”

    They need to get behind him in order to stab him in the back.

  5. In situations like this the party gets split in two factions, in this case the non-Trudeau vs pro-Trudeau Libranos. For this to happen there should be some Librano with spine and balls. But Blackie made sure all these years that the whole party is infected with spineless boot-lickers.

  6. “Are you depressed because the leader of your party has made it impossible for you to keep your high-paying job? Perhaps you should consider Medical Assistance In Dying.”

  7. As a narcissist, Justin lives in an alternate reality that is a product of his own imagination. He cannot fathom that he is the captain of the sinking ship. He’s starting to sound a lot like Hitler in his final days in the bunker.

  8. The Democrats and the Liberals both made somewhat similar mistakes.

    The Democrats refused to face the reality of Biden’s deteriorating cognition until it became impossible to ignore. As a result, they didn’t have a proper primary to select a replacement, and ended up with a suboptimal presidential candidate.

    And the Liberals’ leader refuses to retire even well past his best-before date. So either he’s going to lead the Liberals into an election catastrophe, or his replacement will have too little time to reorganize the party to ensure they become at least the loyal opposition.

    1. Came to the same conclusion and made an estimate that they had till last February to have him replaced.
      Meaning he was off the big chair, leadership contest complete and new leader sworn in by February 15 2024 as the cut off.
      They likely presented this possibility to him at Chrétien’s birthday party and they couldn’t penetrate the conceit.
      Now those that expect to lose their seat are frantically looking for a new meal ticket before the writ drops

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