19 Replies to “Your Life’s Not Worth Living”

  1. try that with me and l just *might* ‘take as many with me as l can’.
    in so doing send an alarming msg to all the little Josef Mengles

  2. “Badgered”? “Harassed”? … yeah … the same way I would feel if a common criminal pulled a gun on me and stuck it against my head.

    1. Little more indeed.
      Not only do “we” – as always, SDA readers exempted – get the governments we richly deserve, we get the SOCIETY we richly deserve too
      I remember the phrase “A Caring Canada” Bwahahahahaha
      Socialism – including socialized medicine – is detrimental and corrosive to the National Soul

  3. Logan’s Run. Everyone needs to read the book and watch the movie. The stories are different but the theme is the same for both. Say NO to euthanasia.

    1. It is a gray area. Once again we see the medical community closing ranks like they did on treatments of and “vaccines” for COVID.

      Some ethicists argue that introducing death as a “treatment option,” without the person suggesting it first, is seriously problematic, especially within the expanding realm of MAID, and that people could be unduly influenced to choose to have their life intentionally ended, given the power dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship.

      “Some people, no matter how well-handled your conversation, may infer that it’s essentially a suggestion,” said University of Toronto bioethicist Kerry Bowman.

      1. all they need to do is ‘gang up on’ the terminally ill or the ones just having a bad day and everyone in between. Canaduh after all competes with new zealand as to who has the most ‘sheep’.

  4. I agreed with the initial proposal that allowed people with a terminal illness to choose a dignified death without unnecessary suffering. Now MAID has morphed into a monster that looks like a new form of eugenics combined with a ruthless government cost cutting scheme (MAID reduces government healthcare costs and pensions costs) There’s also rumors that governments are making money selling the organs for transplants. Whatever the reasons, it’s clear that perverse motives and incentives are at play.

    1. Historically, eugenics programs originate from the upper class which we now call the 1%ers. From there it goes mainstream via higher education schools, the political class and the media because these organizations are controlled by the 1%ers.

      As was seen during covid, it doesn’t take much prodding and propaganda to get a majority of ordinary people to cowardly ignore or actively participate in immoral behavior against a demonized group to please authority figures. Knowing that, it’s impossible to rule out the scenario of getting people to support mandatory euthanasia of the old, unhealthy and other problematic people for “the greater good”. History both rhymes and repeats, imo.

    2. I remember being told a long time ago on this topic that “slippery slope” qas a logical fallacy and not a valid concern. Hmm…

      1. They’re kinda right. It’s not a slippery slope, it’s a mega-drop water slide from reasonable proposals to “are you f’n insane?” laws. The acceleration of craziness by the political and chattering class is set at warp speed.

  5. In Canada every patient is seen as a cost with no benefit to the institution. In the US every patient is seen as a possible asset. Which system do you think promotes more assisted death.

  6. “Have you considered MAiD?”

    “I don’t know much about it. Why don’t you demonstrate it for me, and I’ll see what I make of the idea. Go ahead on now. I’ll just sit back here and observe.”

  7. Bring back the Hippocratic Oath. It prohibits abortion and euthanasia.

    And any doctors out there who haven’t taken the oath: you may be a highly trained medical professional, but until you take the Oath you’re not a doctor.

  8. The Hippocratic Oath has a different meaning for Doctor/”Public Health” than for Doctor/Patient. Under the Doctor/Patient model, the doctor may have to take out your appendix to save your life, but under the public health model you become the appendix.

    Has the Hippocratic Oat been revised in secret?

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