3 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. Current agenda? Past record? Unfortunately, for far too many, media lies, plus hysterical & misplaced emotions, will outdo those.

  2. It would have been so easy to beat Trump.
    All they had to do was out MAGA him or, at the very least, offer a vision of the future that was not depressing.
    They could have seized on MAHA and run with it, following in the muckraking path of Upton Sinclair (The Jungle). They would have been defending American consumers against the predations of Big Food and Big Ag. That they didn’t do so, is telling.
    Instead they trumpet, Trump is Hitler.
    Well they do embrace plagiarism, don’t they.
    “Unexpectedly — every Republican candidate for president has been compared to Hitler by Democrats since 1944.”. From Instapundit.

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