I, Napoleon


Female athletes have lost nearly 900 medals to so-called “transgender” athletes. These are men who think they’re women and believe that they are entitled to compete in women’s sports. The shocking statistic comes from a United Nations report titled ”Violence against women and girls in sports.”

“According to information received, by 30 March 2024, over 600 female athletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 different sports,” the report explicitly states.

“The replacement of the female sports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number of female athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing against males,” it added.

This shatters the left’s narrative that men competing against women, and winning, is a “rare” occurrence.

“Male athletes have specific attributes considered advantageous in certain sports, such as strength and testosterone levels that are higher than those of the average range for females, even before puberty, thereby resulting in the loss of fair opportunity,” the study acknowledged.

I’m surprised the report managed to see the light of day

13 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. The “experts” are discovering what everyone with common sense knew was going to happen from the start. Women and girls are at an unfair disadvantage when competing against biological men. Slightly lowering testosterone levels is meaningless because men’s bodies are built different than women’s – skeletal, muscular, heart and lungs, etc.

    Next the experts might discover that requiring women and girls to share locker and changing rooms with biological men puts them at higher risk of abuse, exploitation and violence.

      1. Ha. Yes, I confess that I have committed the unspeakable faux pas of noticing that my sons and their sports teams were noticeably and obviously different than my daughters and their teams. /s

        Same sports, very different style and speed of play. All parents and coaches know this is true.

  2. And yet the feminists loved singing this little ditty at men:
    “Anything you can do, I can do better…”
    Sucks to be proven wrong at every turn, mais c’est la vie!

  3. Oh yeah? But what about all the medals that women have won playing in men’s sports? Yeah, thought so.

    1. “Oh yeah? But what about all the medals that women have won playing in men’s sports? Yeah, thought so.”

      I keep wondering about that myself. Why is is always Male To Female ‘trans’ people who feel this irresistible urge to compete in sports and never the Female To Male ones? They keep telling us that MTF ‘transsexuals’ are in fact “real women”…so why aren’t the FTM ones considered to be “real men”?

      1. My Junior high football team was required to accept a female student after threats of a lawsuit (late 80’s)

        She had a weight and height advantage over the boys. Females go through a growth spurt before males…
        None of the guys cared. Nobody went out of thier way to hit her or make her feel unwelcome. But nobody coddled her either.
        She quit after three days.

        1. Had a girl on my soccer team one year.
          Before high school.
          She wasn’t very good, or good enough, but she was on the team.
          (This was in the 70’s!)
          She took a ball to the face during a game and sort of shrugged it off, but then it happened again FFS and that was tout fini for her. I played 9 years of soccer and never took a ball to the face.

  4. “Mixed sex” is definitely the term we need to start using when talking about what was previously spaces for women only. It’s not a “women’s bathroom” it’s a “mixed sex bathroom”. It’s not “women’s volleyball” it’s “mixed sex volleyball”. While still having men’s bathroom and men’s volleyball.

  5. L – “Neurotics build castles in the air. Psychotics live in them.” Axiom of psychology

    (Aspiring woke psychiatrist in response to the following question: If you had a patient
    suffering from Kleptomania, what would you do?
    Response of aspiring woke psychiatrist: “ I’d advise them to take something for it! “)

  6. aaaaaand how many millions in athletic scholarships went with the medals? what a terrific way of lying thru your college tuition. biiiiiig motive eh? then ‘detransition’ post graduation because after all, the plumbing is still there. any of the ladies staying in the change room can attest to that.

    this is, seriously, demonic in nature and a portend of the end times.

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