9 Replies to “Shiny Pony”

  1. “The needs of the Trudeau government, not Canada’s security, have been the guiding principle”


    Memo to the Grope & Fail – that doddering, drooling, limp-membered, colostomy-bag encumbered specimen of Laurentian legacy media, that ponderous peddler of shopworn convention wisdom, that avatar of deeply-sublimated, prissy Upper Canadian Methodism, petty fussbudgetism, and pearl-clutching sanctimony: EVERYTHING the Liberals do is to serve the interests of the Liberal Party and not the national interest!!!*

    *Since virtually the dawn of this country, not only has the Liberal Party believed and acted upon on the axiom that “what’s good the Liberal party is what’s good for Canada”, but they’ve convinced a significant plurality of Canadians – those conventional trusting and complacent souls – that this axoim is not only true, but indeed a central plank of the Canadian identity.

    Canadians get the goverment they deserve.

    1. Eric

      I think I can distill your comment: (which is Awesome btw..!!)

      Canada’s Liberals have since the dawn of time been Self Serving arrogant ASSHOLES with far too many Canadian Loyalists continuing to bend the Knee & kiss their collective (_i_)’s.

      As An Albertan – I want OUT of this CON of a Federation.

  2. The Globe and Mail has supported, for many decades:
    … “The Liberal Party of Canada is the natural governing party”

    The Globe and Mail fawned and fainted over every breath taken by PM Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau including:
    … “What’s good for the Liberal Party is good for Canada”

    The Globe and Mail endorsed Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien’s proclamation, on his first majority election victory interview as PM in 1993:
    … “this is the best thing to happen to the Liberal Party of Canada”

    The Globe and Mail was titillated when PM Justin Pierre James Trudeau II stated:
    … “Canada isn’t doing well right now because it’s Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn’t work. This country, Canada, it belongs to us.”

    The Globe and Mail suddenly notices, “That pattern began in February 2023” and “party before country… for many months” and “the needs of the Trudeau government, not Canada’s security, have been the guiding principle”

    The Globe and Mail editorial board is two generations too late.
    What is changing? Not their integrity, nor their loyalty.
    Rat’s jumping ship. Watch where they land.

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