15 Replies to “That’ll Leave a Mark”

  1. At the very end he was referring to CarbonTax Carney being groomed in the PMO as we speak. I think the PTB have decided that the Turd can’t pull this one out of the hat and are trying to bring in an adult. Unfortunately a WEF raised adult with elitist leanings.

  2. How about 80% decrease. Enough of increasing population in the sub-Arctic for the sake of having more people for no reasonable purpose. Bringing people from regions of little energy demand to the frozen Arctic goes against everything the carbon harpies scream about. I liked Alberta a lot more with 1.5 million than with the current 5 million.

  3. Immigration: For starters try – 50% and skill shortage-based only. No benefits. Future benefits — say minimum 3 years later — scaled to average earned income. No family re-unification. No Muslim countries.

    Carney: Let’s hope he gets catapulted out like Ignatief. Cynical bastids.
    Ban WEF “graduates” from elective office. WEF grads are de facto traitors.

    Should I seek elective office?

    1. Yeah. A good followup question would have been “How responsible is Mr. Singh for this current state of affairs?”

  4. Half the readers of this blog have been blocked by Canada’s Queen of Thin Skin, myself included. And it’s no loss.

  5. At what point can we expect people to actually consider (if not accept) that what is being chalked up to incompetence could easily be explained as purposeful actions? It seems to me that it is overly generous to give someone like Trudeau the benefit of the doubt on that aspect, especially when the results fit well within the goals of the WEF.

    1. He’s been very open about it all along which is the frustrating part. This is leftism. To them what has happened is the greatest success ever.

  6. I’m old enough to remember when Mulcair was one of those Libranos. Until he moved over to take the reigns from Nitwit Turdsmell. Nice back peddling from a first class Dippersh*t.

  7. Yeah. A good followup question would have been “How responsible is Mr. Singh for this current state of affairs?”

    But, this is the CTV, after all….

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