4 Replies to “The British Are Coming!”

  1. I say, if Labour want to jet across the Atlantic ( – Global Warming Alarmists, please take note… – ), LET THEM.

    – After all, Obama sternly telling Brits they had to stay in the EU, was a major influence for the Brexit campaign!

  2. The UK is done. It won’t even be a nice theme park when all this is over. But in 20 or so years, it might be interesting to visit all the UK genocide museums, once the blood-letting is over.

  3. Perhaps Trump should do the same thing and interfere with England’s next election– frankly it’s sickening watching the corrupted left spread their corruption globally?

  4. This is just so bad. They try to get Harris and will get an annoyed Trump. The UK is endangering NATO, when Trump just wanted Europe to be more responsible and pay their (our) part.

    Thanks a lot Starmer.

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