Web Of Trust


I grew up straddling two worlds—working-class Bronx grit and elite suburban privilege. In elite schools, they taught us the pen is mightier than the sword, and that intellect and policy shape the world.

But they missed a critical point: the pen is only mighty when it’s backed by overwhelming American strength and stability. And that foundation has crumbled.

Publications like the New York Time and The Economist still think they can sway opinion, that a well-timed hit piece will change the course of history. But they’re living in the past. The pen can’t move mountains when the foundations are shaking.

They forget that a pen is not literally stronger than a sword.

A flashback to 2006: Web Of Trust

4 Replies to “Web Of Trust”

  1. “Elites” sold us out. Greed and ego. Export the jobs of their fellow citizens while at the same time tell you they have a planet to save and we’re all in this together with the world, which conveniently opened up new opportunities for their greed. International socialists, or iNazis, make a lot of money thanks to each of our authoritarian governments looking after their interests alone.

  2. Especially when they print bullshit and get a Pulitzer over it. And still keep the Pulitzer when it’s proven to be bullshit and never apologize.

  3. A fan of the Economist gave me a copy to read ten years ago. After reading the opening paragraphs of a couple of articles I realised it was really the Communist.

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