Wow…. just… wow…

Election 2024: Saskatchewan Green Party wants to transition away from fossil fuels, but have fossil fuels pay for their green agenda

You can’t make this stuff up.

The Saskatchewan Green Party proposes to  “Make Green Jobs the future of Saskatchewan’s economy by transitioning away from fossil fuels,” while financing its extensive socialist policy platform by modelling Norway which applies “a whopping 78 percent total tax” on oil and gas revenues.

Notably, it includes five pages discussing the Greens opposition to small modular reactors. And the policy document closes by saying on the last page, “How do we pay for it? The Saskatchewan Green Party is dedicated to building a prosperous future for our province. It is time to raise royalty rates in the oil & gas sector to levels that truly reflect the value of our resources. We would use Norway as an example. Norway has a 51 percent tax on petroleum-related income, on top of the 27 percent income tax. That amounts to a whopping 78 percent total tax. This is put into a fund to benefit all citizens.”

That page does not list any other major revenue source, or indeed any revenue source at all, other than heavily taxing oil and gas, the same oil and gas earlier in the document the party promises to transition away from. If the party does succeed in “transitioning away from fossil fuels,” (Page 17) it offers no other source of revenue on the “How do we pay for it?” page (Page 61).


20 Replies to “Wow…. just… wow…”

  1. And when oil and gas royalties dwindle as producers leave while the government makes it clear they despise the industry anyway, what then? The temptation of a magical “trust fund” is just a distraction from the real goal of a pre-industrial, poverty-stricken existence.

    1. Even if it worked, they would strip that trust fund and leave nothing but IOUs in a New York Minute.
      (e.g., Social Security in the USA)

  2. Norway also has a VAT (value added tax) of 25% (i.e. sales tax) on essentially everything except food, which has a 15% VAT.

  3. They are a political party based on a colour associated with religious-like zealots and Luddites masquerading as omniscient stewards of everything and plagued with anti-humanism, economic innumeracy, primitivism, and statism. For those untainted with reason, being aligned with or attracted to such a movement acts as an emotional or spiritual soothing blanket while lending support to a “modern” pantheistic equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.

  4. Fun thing about Norway’s green plans: yes, they tap their $1 trillion sovereign fund (built mostly from oil and gas) to pay for ‘tax free’ EVs and ‘free’ EV charging (which they run with their ample hydro-electric power).

    But…when everyone stops using gasoline, how to pay for roads, bridges and tunnels (which pretty amazing I must say)?

    Why…through tolls of course. Lots of tolls. Every increasing tolls, of course. And more of them.

  5. If they were elected, within minutes of such a regulation being implemented, multiple communities would become ghost towns. The responsible companies would shut in and abandon every single well they have and disappear from the SK industrial landscape. The irresponsible ones might not bother to shut anything in first before disappearing. It would literally be worse than what the NDP did.

    But comparing Norway to the North American industry always amuses me. It’s usually a good indicator that the person doing it understands neither.

  6. In the 2000s, the Greens in Quebec campaigned on free bus transport, province-wide, for everyone.
    Perhaps if we did vote them into power people would finally take up the pitchforks, t0rches and nooses that are probably the only solution.

  7. See: Big Tobacco. The same communists, used the same argument to tax the holy shit out of tobacco … citing “public health” as the primary reason. Destroy and Ban BIG Tobacco? Oh hells NO! Just demonize tobacco and extract massive taxes from their users and producers.

    And for the record, I’ve never smoked … but never liked the idea for these communists coming after a product that I DO use …

    1. Kenji…I would argue that up in canuckistan, said Federal tobacco Taxes are Dropping massively. Seems our natives have taken up the “challenge”.

      One can now order a (or more), Cartons of cigs for $ 55 CAD – ONLINE Delivered by Canada Post. A Single Carton of Tobacco at Costco is ~$165 CAD.

      Single packs sell in 7-11’s for ~ 23.50 per
      Indian Smokes are $5.00 per pack.

  8. Norway has no intention of stopping its oil & gas industry. From the Norweigan Petroleum Institute…

    “The overall objective of Norway’s petroleum policy has always been to provide a framework for profitable production of oil and gas in a long-term perspective. It has also been considered important to ensure that a large share of the value creation accrues to the state, so that it can benefit society as a whole. This is partly obtained by the tax system.”

    If you check the tax system, tax is applied only to taxable income. If you lose money you can carry forward your losses. Exploration, development and R&D costs are 100% expensed. These tax strategies are considered to be subsidies in Canada and Greenies want them gone.

    What is it with politicians when it comes to economics. They want an oil & gas system like Norway, a health and education system like Switzerland but they live in an economic mess like Saskatchewan. Books like “The Boy with the Golden Goose” should be required reading for any MP or MPP in Canada.

  9. This highlights why I have an issue with people who don’t discriminate based on other peoples’ political views.

    To my way of thinking, those on the political left are advertising that they are in favor of the government using coercive f0rce to steal from some and give to others. These people should be treated like pedophiles – you can still more-or-less work with them, but don’t allow them near your children. And you wouldn’t do so because you have an understanding of the boundaries of their cognitive/moral/human failures.

    Whereas those who buy into “green” thinking are just bat shit insane and/or very low IQ. They should be generally treated as one would the crazy cat lady.

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